Heller 1/72nd F6F-5 Hellcat

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Thanks guys.

Next up is the P&W engine assembly. Kinda goofy installation, but does allow access to the cowl flaps.

So painted my engine flat black and dry brushed Testors dark neutral grey. This allows for the cylinder heads to pop out and represents grime in between the fins. The front gear box is done in reverse, painted dark neutral grey then ldry brushed with flat black and lightly with Testors Rubber (which is a good representation of oil).


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Okay. So not to disappoint... the wings go together rather easy. What is disturbing is the HVAR zero length launchers. They are much too "wide". Also notice that the wheel wells are sparse to say the least.

The saving grace for the wheel wells is the dark color. She's gonna be a beauty! In fact, the dark blue-black color is the colour du jour for all the F6F undercarriage and rear tailwheel. Just my speed for this build. I love it. :toothy5:


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Good progress matt, kit looks like its a 1950's production with the blue mould and flash!
Cockpit is REALLY sparse. Did some research and found some good pics of F6F-5 cockpits to understand guage, switch and control layouts.

First up is the seat. Needs some bottom and back cushions. Fashioned these out of thin cardboard. Belts were white and these are made from strips of tape for the five point harness.

Interior was yellow chromate with leather headrest. I was puzzled by the seat being so low. But dry fitting on a fuselage half indicated it was okay. I just assumed that perhaps the pilot sitting on his pack raised him up. I later found this to be wrong and had to lower the cockpit floor. I discovered this only when I attempted to fit the cockpit between BOTH fuselage halves. Lesson learned.

Some floor and panel scuffing finishes it for me. This is a small cockpit so the flaws in the macro zoom do not show once sealed in the fuselage.


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Okay, the fuselage halves went together and the wing joined. Crappy joint that is and requires some finessing.

Next up the HVAR zero length rocket rails. They are WAY too big. Out comes the razor saw to thin them out and the jewelers saw to cut off the trimmings. Clean them up with a needle file and viola. We're back in business.


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