Hello to all. New to the site and this forum.

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Dec 21, 2014
Hello, I am a long time modeller and really enjoy looking at other peoples excellent modelling projects.
I hope to contribute and hopefully add some new photos as time goes by.
I build just about anything but my real passions are aircraft, mostly WWII; military vehicles, mostly tanks (what else! ) and motorcycles.
I have been amember of my local IPMS club for +-30 years now and still enjoy our monthly meetings.
I look forward to conversing with some of you in future.
Regards Eric
Welcome. We may seem a bit dis-functional at times, but that is the beauty of this site and the wonderful people populating it. Loads of information from a very knowledgeable group plus a lot of fun thrown in for good measure. Just hope you're not squeamish.

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