'High Flight' - A Poem in Pictures.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
A month or so ago, in the thread covering John Gillespie Magee Jnr and his immortal poem 'High Flight', I mentioned that I'd been working, off and on, on an illustrated presentation of this well-known and loved poem.
Over the last two or three years, I've been trying to capture some 'abstract' images of Spitfires when attending various airshows across the UK, with the intention of trying to somehow illustrate the words of the poem, with the ultimate aim of perhaps producing some sort of audio-visual presentation, matching the images with lines from the poem.
I'm still working on it, as I have yet to capture the shots I really want to use to do justice to this beautiful piece of poetic literature, but, after very recently receiving a letter from Liz which included some lines from 'High Flight', her favourite poem, I knew that, if only for Liz's sake, I just had to get 'stuck in' and at least produce something that might go some way towards the ultimate aim.
Consequently, over the last five or six hours, I've selected, edited and assembled a few shots, added the appropriate passages from the poem, and grouped them together into a sort of 'coffee table album' which, for ease of viewing and better presentation format, I've made into a PDF, which is attached here.
As mentioned in the Introduction to the 'album', the images, and the format, are far from perfect, and at some stage in the future, I'll probably improve and replace some of the pictures, and perhaps slightly alter the overall format, but meanwhile, here's 'High Flight' - A Poem in Pictures, which I hope you'll enjoy.


  • Microsoft Word - High Flight.pdf
    4.3 MB · Views: 273
I've made a couple of small changes, adding Magee's age to the text, and changing the second, tenth and the last images. I've also noticed a small error in the text on one of the photos, which reads "thing" instead of "things", which I'll leave for now, but will correct in time, once I've contemplated other possible changes.
I'd welcome some feedback on preferences concerning the 'new' images over the originals, and also your thoughts on whether each image should have a framing border, or be left as they are currently.
A copy of 'Version 2' is attached below.


  • Microsoft Word - High Flight.pdf
    4.2 MB · Views: 319
Last edited:
Thanks, AT and XB, glad you like it.
Although I've left the photos 'as is', I have changed a couple around, and added a more appropriate, if rather grainy, image as the final shot,
I'm still 'playing around' with the 'frames', or borders which, if used, will be rather subtle, but they do tend to emphasise the photos, without detracting from the subject.
The latest 'version' is attached below, and again, comments and critique are welcome.


  • Microsoft Word - High Flight V4.pdf
    4.6 MB · Views: 124
Beautiful job... I'll share with some airman-folk who will appreciate the well known words, the photos, the evident care in the construction and of course, the implicit sentiment. Thank you for creating this.
Thanks Oldcrow, and please do share it with your friends - that's what it's for.
I'd be interested to hear their thoughts after seeing it.

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