History of ww2aircraft.net

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why do they call you that les?

and do you guys change the look of the site every year or two years?
fly boy they call Les/Dan that because he earned it.

I think it is nice that they do change things now and again or else it would have this old look to it.
why do they call you that les?

Because Les doesn't put up with BS from anyone, especially new folks that don't know how to be civil {polite}

Every once in awhile someone shows up who thinks they know everything, and they like to write insulting posts. {eg. "You are an idiot if you think that..}

When someone like that shows up and starts flaming or insulting everyone, Les comes down on him like a ton of bricks.

I've been on other forums where the Mods are AWOL, things just keep getting nastier because nobody is there to say "OK, that's enough, quit the insults or you are gone"

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