Honour in War ??

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Pisis, actually it is quite old news only released the last 10 years or so, as the vets are talking not just of their own personal prowess in the air but the deep down dirt which is typical war. you probably cannot even count the numbers of shootdowns of Luftwaffe pilots and it isn;t just the trivial unknowns that did this. As I said the 357thfg is high on the list and the jugs of the 56th. The Bf 110G crews since their Br 21cm were witnessed by Jug p[ilots causing such canrage whwen they did carnage amongst the B-17 formations, the Jug chaps went after the Bf 110's with a vengence/hate. when the 110's belly landed the a/c and crews were blown away if at all possible, same case with Me 262 crews from JG 7, the R4M's did such lethal damge the Mustang pilots of course witnessing this were pissed off, the idea you eliminate one experienced jet crewman then that is one less jet to have to contend with.......

as I have said too many times, war sucks, for all sides

i can believe it. The same thing boosted the Czechoslovak and Poles because they witnessed what Germans did to their nations...... But all the airmen I had the honour to meet told me they were attacking primary the machines......... They also said "killing the Huns" but whenever they were in their aircraft. I think murdering defenseless figure hanging on the silk is sick..........
very true there seemed to be still some type of honour code with the Luftwaffe though many would disagree. they of course did spread the terror with the Ju 87's 39-42 and all were susceptible whether military or civilian alike, /// what goes around comes around and the German populace felt it from 43 till wars end .........
Well here is my take on it. All sides did it. There were Luftwaffe pilots who shot down parachuters, there were US pilots that shot down parachuters, there were British pilots that shot down parachuters. I believe FBJ is on the money though when he says that the Japs were the aces of parachute kills.

The point though is that War is Hell and who cares if some of these pilots did these things. Overall most pilots were of an honorable breed.

Hunter yes there is Honor in war. I have been in the military now for almost 6 years and been on 2 deployments; one to Kosovo and one on a combat tour to Iraq. In those 6 years including the year in Iraq and 10 months in Kosovo I have seen many many honorable things. And these honorable things came from US Military personel. In Iraq I saw things that were so heroic and honorable that it brought me to to tears.


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DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Well here is my take on it. All sides did it. There were Luftwaffe pilots who shot down parachuters, there were US pilots that shot down parachuters, there were British pilots that shot down parachuters. I believe FBJ is on the money though when he says that the Japs were the aces of parachute kills.

The point though is that War is Hell and who cares if some of these pilots did these things. Overall most pilots were of an honorable breed.

Hunter yes there is Honor in war. I have been in the military now for almost 6 years and been on 2 deployments; one to Kosovo and one on a combat tour to Iraq. In those 6 years including the year in Iraq and 10 months in Kosovo I have seen many many honorable things. And these honorable things came from US Military personel. In Iraq I saw things that were so heroic and honorable that it brought me to to tears.

Thank you for your very insightful opinion Chris.

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