How many unfinished Kits do you have?

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I looked around and found a few more

12) Rufe (Zero float plane) - Had a brain fart and sprayed the dullcoat before the decals. Doh!
13) A6M2 Zero - Just need to put on the prop and cowl......for the last 10 years
14) Grumman XF5-1 Skyrocket - Just the props for this one....only about 8 years
15) AMT F4U-1 Corsair, the old old AMT kit. Finished except for the decals and the long lost canopy. Did this one before I moved to the city so it's at least 15 years
16) RMS Campbelltown 4 stack destroyer - Had the deck done and the front portion was broken off in an accident. It can be repaired but I never did. At least 8 years ago.
This is an interesting thread. I feel like the only one who only builds one model at a time. I invariably start a model and battle through until I finish it, no matter what it takes. Now I'm thinking that this is a bit unusual
I love this thread! I was afraid I was the only one sitting on the obsessive compulsive bench! I almost always just plow right through with whatever model I'm working on until I finish it. More than occasionally working 8 or more hours a day. Yes, it makes me a bit wide-eyed and loosey goosey. The only exception is that I try to do as much spray painting ahead of time as I can, since I don't spray paint indoors and the winters here usually last from about Hallowe'en to Memorial Day!
If I make it to retirement I think My stash will go pretty quickly. My Wife is on me now not to spend all day at the workbench when I have a day off.

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