I for one love to travel...I like my job a lot but the bad thing is that I have to stay at the same bloody desk all day so....but its a good job and it has its benefits. Thanks a lot for you help, I got a pretty clear picture of how a decent paycheck should look...hopefully now that we are part of the UE life will improve here.
Thanks! The lighting inside a T-28 is a photographer's nightmare. That bubble canopy and reflective surfaces makes for light bouncing around all over the place. I'm glad I had a few air-to-air shoots under my belt before doing this one.
Work for a very large computer outfit as an SSR(system support rep). 85+k a year but at the expenses of working shifts,callouts, holidays and a ton of weekends, one divorce and almost a second. The wife is an RN making about the same. The benefits keep me here even thou I have 30+ years (I started when I was 21). Hopefully make it to 55 and find something else do, certainly will not be in the same line of work.
I feel for ya man! In this line of work I put about $1000 bucks in the tank every 2 days.... At least the contractor has a rated compensation for high fuel prices, or otherwise I would go broke in about 2 weeks!
I feel for ya man! In this line of work I put about $1000 bucks in the tank every 2 days.... At least the contractor has a rated compensation for high fuel prices, or otherwise I would go broke in about 2 weeks!
Well I'm thinking to buy a car but the cost of gas here is high and the traffic horrible so I have no idea what car to buy or if I want a car anymore...many have abandoned their cars and go to work with the subway...its a lot cheaper and faster.