How safe is your city?

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Cool Wasilla where I hope to buy my land next summer had 0 murders, only 1 rape and only 4 robberies. But then again it only has a population of just over 7000.
I would offer that you cannot go simply off the list. The list leads you to believe that, for example, Woodbridge NJ is a swell place to live. It also lists Birmingham as more dangerous than Trenton and Newark, NJ. I personally almost got smoked in Trenton once, and another beautiful NJ city East Orange which isn't even in the 50 most dangerous.
No, never, NS. I may hate the Welsh, but ...the French have a league of hatred created for them.

You offer no evidence that the list is incorrect in its assesments
that guy's obviously never been to a squatter area in manila
manila has rotten since the last time some of u folks came, and hit by a typhoon and full of billboards with a fat chick named kris aquino
You offer no evidence that the list is incorrect in its assesments

You're right - but only a fool puts blind faith in statistical analysis syscom. Being from that area, growing up and spending 20 something years there, I have a better estimate than a bunch of statisticians. Obviously factors such as crime rates and such cannot include unreported incidents, as they are not known about except by the individuals, and cannot be included in your most holy list.

Don't get me wrong, it's a useful tool, but a list doesn't tell you the ins and outs of a certain town or city, or a feel of how safe it is.
You offer no evidence that the list is incorrect in its assesments

How about actually being there? - I grew up close to the places mk is talking about and have to agree with him.

The list is based on statistics and reported crimes, it doesn't paint the full picture but will provide a basis....
You're right - but only a fool puts blind faith in statistical analysis syscom. ...

"facts are facts"....These lists are generally considered to be pretty much accurate as they derive their data from numerous DOJ sources.

Being from that area, growing up and spending 20 something years there, I have a better estimate than a bunch of statisticians.

Do you live there now? Are you in law enforcement and privy to crime reports?

Obviously factors such as crime rates and such cannot include unreported incidents, as they are not known about except by the individuals,

I discussed this in my criminal justice class with the detective who taught it. He said that most crimes in the "safer" communities are reported, while crimes in the worse communities are under reported. All that means is the ratings for the safer cities are more accurate, while the more dangerous cities are even worse. Furthermore, there has never been a shred of evidence that the rate of unreported crimes in the more dangerous cities varies significantly from one city to another. So the rate of unreported crimes in Oakland is generally the same as unreported crimes in Youngstown.

Plus most unreported crime is of small value property value, or is in its origionality, a crime commited against one criminal by another criminal. Nearly all violent crime is reported as it usually means someone got hurt and needs medical attention. And dont say "I got robbed by a thug with a knife and didnt report it", as those are one off incidents that dont change the figures and what happened in your situation cannot be extrapolated into thinking a lot of people did the same thing.

and cannot be included in your most holy list.

Dont shoot the messenger, I only report it. You're free to go and research the crime rates in whatever city and prove to the Justice Dept that they are incorrect.

and another beautiful NJ city East Orange which isn't even in the 50 most dangerous.

The smaller cities were not listed. And even if East Orange is a hell hole, does it really matter in the scheme of things that its worse than Trenton but better than Camden?
Syscom what he is saying is that he lived there and grew up there and that they are not safe as your list tells them. I think that someone who is from there would no better than you....
Syscom what he is saying is that he lived there and grew up there and that they are not safe as your list tells them. I think that someone who is from there would no better than you....

Unless they are law enforcement personell (or a reasercher) with access to the crime reports, then their observations are strictly that. Observations. With no access to the reports, then how can they say with a certeinty that what they observe is factual?

And how can he be certein that Trenton is worse than Birmingham or St Louis or wherever, when he hasnt lived in those cities in this year to make meaningfull comparisons.

And we are talking about the here and now, not the past.
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