How safe is your city?

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Syscom get off your high horse right this very ****ing moment! You are not the only one in here who has been to college or university. If I were you I would back the **** up right now!

I'm the only one here who is taking courses in criminal justice, there fore, I have a tad more education than some of you.
People can skew stats intentionaly (was the police department trying to get their budjet increased that year so they creatively massaged those stats to show they need more of the budjet money that year? Not saying thats what happened I am just saying that could happen) and unintentionaly when they gather them. Stats are a tool and a valueable one at that but they are a tool to help you see the truth, but they should not be blindly followed either.

We discussed the stats by the police dept's. Some of them were deliberate, some were unreported crimes which may or may not of occured.

It was pointed by the instructor that serious crimes are almost always reported and minor crimes can be under reported. The biggest impediment people have now for not reporting the smaller property crimes is insurance agencies usually want police reports before they pay a claim. End result, is the error rate is small enough to not make a big difference in the rates. Its insignificant.

The FBI and DOJ are aware of this happening, so they rely on multiple questioneers and different types of data collection. End result is a fairly good indication of the crime rate in a given city at a given time.

And as I said before, does it really matter if St Loius is a bit worse than Camden when theyre all wretched places? Seems like some people here are upset that their favorite city isnt as dangerous as they thought it was.

I'm quite happy to see my city up in the safe list.
We discussed the stats by the police dept's. Some of them were deliberate, some were unreported crimes which may or may not of occured.

It was pointed by the instructor that serious crimes are almost always reported and minor crimes can be under reported. The biggest impediment people have now for not reporting the smaller property crimes is insurance agencies usually want police reports before they pay a claim. End result, is the error rate is small enough to not make a big difference in the rates. Its insignificant.

The FBI and DOJ are aware of this happening, so they rely on multiple questioneers and different types of data collection. End result is a fairly good indication of the crime rate in a given city at a given time.

And as I said before, does it really matter if St Loius is a bit worse than Camden when theyre all wretched places? Seems like some people here are upset that their favorite city isnt as dangerous as they thought it was.

I'm quite happy to see my city up in the safe list.

I agree with what you say here and have no problem with it.

But just will you admit that stats are not 100% accurate? yes or no
Do Santa Ana on a Friday night, even Costa Mesa right off the 405 (Beach)could be a little raunchy....

"could be"...... Ive been in Santa Ana on a firday night and theres nothing unusual about it. You think its like an urban ghetto there with firefights going on?

I had to say at that motel 6 one night - a huge fight broke out by the restaurant and gas station in front of the hotel - Asians and Mexicans - two came running up on me while I was trying to get into my hotel room. Thank god that trip I brought a 9mm Tokarev with me - one flash of the 'hog's leg' and they took off running, one of the few times I ever had to pull a gun on someone with the intent of using it.

You always carry a concelled gun?

You live in a unique situation - you're surrounded by some of the most safest and affluent neighborhoods in the country but at the same time 30 miles up the 405 are some of the most crime ridden neighborhoods in the country and that element sometimes finds its way to your neck of the woods....

That 30 miles is a long long drive and the criminals there rarely venture out here. Theyre content to destroy their own neighborhoods.
Very well said mkloby and FBJ. That is an arguement that I have had with syscome almost from day one. I dont care what paper says, I dont care what you read, I dont care what people think. The only thing that counts is experience in the subject. If you dont have it, shut up...

The instructor has 30 years experience as a patrol officer, detective and now part of the OC DA's staff.

I'd say his experience trumps all of our collective opinions.
I'm the only one here who is taking courses in criminal justice, there fore, I have a tad more education than some of you.

Wow I almost spewed my Iced Tea all over my computer when I read that ignorant remark!

When I first went to school I was studying Criminal Justice as well, so dont go there.

That does not make you any smarter than a single person in this forum.

If anything you are very naive and ignorant to what is really going on in life.

Dont think you are smarter than anyone here. That is just you over inflated ego talking and I see right though it.

Since you want to go there I will go ahead and knock you back down to earth.

I later switched to Proffesional Aeronautics, have an A&P Liscense, a PPL, and tons of aircrew experience with over 1500 flight hours (which is way more experience than your flight simulator that you so think in your brain washed world is the same thing as actually flying a plane).

Therfore with that education and experience I am more smarter than you in aviation things and therefore everything that you say about aircraft can not outright be believed anymore.

See how that works syscom, that is using your stupid logic...

Now I tell you again, get off the ****ing high horse, deflate your ego and back up!
I'm the only one here who is taking courses in criminal justice, there fore, I have a tad more education than some of you.

You are the only one taking criminal justice or that has ever taken it? Are you 100% sure on that statement?

Whether you have a "tad more education" than some or not does not mean that you should be insulting or condescending. If you want to prove how correct you or right you are then if you had such a high level of education you should be able to do so without sinking to insults and a condescending tone. Your superior intellect should be able to that without sinking to such low uneducated levels of communication. Right? :rolleyes:

Syscom suring you know damn well you are being insulting. Mkloby and you got off on the wrong foot whocares, just drop it and move on. If you want to prove your point do so without the insults or tone.
It is spelled "facetious." By the way, college boy, just so you know a little bit about who you have been mocking with your statistical studies - I busted my a** and won a scholarship, I have two degrees and graduated with highest honors.

Obviously no degree's in criminal justice or statistics. You might know a thing or two about flying an airplane, but not the other.

By the way, empirical is defined as derived from experience.

Its also something that can measured in which a coclusion can be drawn. And you have not provided any evidence that the crime rates would be significantly different than whats listed.

I gave my opinion based on growing up and spending 20 some-odd years in NJ. Then, you asked for empirical evidence. Also, know who you're dealing with before you start insulting someone with your "academic superiority."

You are not a law enforement agent, or a researcher with access to the data. Therefore you are in no postiton to refute the survey. If you have evidence to the contrary, then produce it, or do your own survey. That is basic science my friend.

Do yourself a favor and pick up a dictionary once in a while.

Spellcheck is a leading cause of the decline of spelling skills
Syscom you still have not answered my simple one line question. You have answered two other questions....but not mine.

But just will you admit that stats are not 100% accurate? yes or no
Obviously no degree's in criminal justice or statistics. You might know a thing or two about flying an airplane, but not the other.

Since you dont have PPL, a degree in aeronautics, then dont post anything in the aviation threads anymore because you obviously dont have an education in it.

Oh and since the closest military experience you have is Battlefield 1942 dont post in anything miiltary anymore since you dont know anything about that either...

Im dead serious too.
This is for syscom...


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That 30 miles is a long long drive and the criminals there rarely venture out here. Theyre content to destroy their own neighborhoods.

Oh yea??? > News > State -- Man shot on Orange County freeway

Article: News - Man hit, killed by truck following shooting Man Critically Injured in Freeway Shooting - Freeway Shooting Critically Wounds Woman

Sys, you can't BS me - I used to work in Irvine - OC is one of the better places in So Cal and yes the crime and random shooting could happen anywhere in the US, but in So Cal its a way of life and it doesn't matter if you're on the 405 by the airport or on the 57 in Irvine, look at the graffiti along your freeways. It could be seen in ALL areas of So Cal. Do you think that's by chance?

But Syscom just relax and be bit more respectful and people will have no problem with you. Keep going the way you are and you are going to get banned by Chris.

Syscom you are alittle over the top at times but you do provide good infomation. Don't blow it by getting into a pissing match with Chris......Syscom you can't and will not win. Just relax. Syscom now you have Chris and Joe on your ***. Just stop Syscom. Let it drop.
Syscom either let it drop or admit that your stats might not be 100% correct. The truth is always grey never (rarely) black and white. Your stats are not the end all be all.

Syscom you get into these endless agruements with people and you will not ever admit you "might be wrong" or agree to disagree. You always have to try and prove you are right and rub people's noses in it.

That will not happen here.
I'm the only one here who is taking courses in criminal justice, there fore, I have a tad more education than some of you

Now that right there is just funny.

Stick with your courses Kiddo.

Some of us have over 20 years of practicle military and civil police / security experience. Including working with your Presidents security team during the 1990 visit of Bill Clinton.

When you get some real experience under your bonnet, then talk.

You have to walk the walk, before you talk the talk.
Now that right there is just funny.

Stick with your courses Kiddo.

Some of us have over 20 years of practicle military and civil police / security experience. Including working with your Presidents security team during the 1990 visit of Bill Clinton.

When you get some real experience under your bonnet, then talk.

You have to walk the walk, before you talk the talk.

Agreed and well said.
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