Hyères Var La Palyvestre

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Honourably banned
Mar 26, 2007
Hyères Var La Palyvestre_01_Escadrille 3C1, France.jpg
Hyères Var La Palyvestre_02_Escadrille 3C1, France.jpg
Hyères Var La Palyvestre_03_Escadrille 3C1, France.jpg
Hyères Var La Palyvestre_04_Escadrille 3C1, France.jpg
The French certainly did have a penchant for these odd "three-quarter-biplane" constructs with the very small, stubby lower wings. Several interwar designs reflect this trend which I haven't seen in other air forces (probably for want of looking on my part). Great pics, though...and thanks for sharing.

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