ID the aircraft (little quiz)

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Staff Sergeant
Nov 2, 2010
Just for fun. :D


  • IMG_0011BB.jpg
    10.5 KB · Views: 205
Well that didn't take long. Good going! :D


  • IMG_0011AA.jpg
    11.4 KB · Views: 207
I just noticed that the name of the plane is on the picture lol
Are you still trying to guess the one with the name on it? If I were from Oz, I'd probably say, "Figures."

Sarcasm doesn't translate well to forum conversations, does it. ;)

Flight of the Conchords are doing a sell out tour here at the moment; a mate of mine went, but I missed out, working at night. Very funny!
Awesome, Oldcrow and Gixxerman! Who woulda' thunk FotC fans here!

.....and btw, after marking everyone as present I'd just like it noted in the minutes that Murray rules, ok?

"I'll just take a roll call, Jemaine?"




"Aaaand Murray? Present..."
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You can't have, there's no such thing.

.....and btw, after marking everyone as present I'd just like it noted in the minutes that Murray rules, ok? :lol:

Awesome, Oldcrow and Gixxerman! Who woulda' thunk FotC fans here!

"I'll just take a roll call, Jemaine?"




"Aaaand Murray? Present..."

kia ora guys :D (just practicing for my intended visit before I croak. I want to see all the sights made famous in LotR before they are all carried off by Australian souvenir hunters. :(

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