If It Can Fly, It Can Float!!!

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Caproni I Ca, floatplane, Italy undated
George Lane
3 Caproni I Ca, floatplane, Italy undated.jpg
poor unlucky Caspar U-1, a plane stored in a submarine - Dec 1922
A6434/6435Caspar U-1
Caspar U.1 [aka Caspar-Heinkel U.1] submarine-based patrol seaplane. Delivered to NAS Anacostia, DC 1922.
A6434 mounted on truck for parade and damaged beyond repair by low-hanging trees Jul 1923
Source of Photograph: National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress). same site
poor unlucky Caspar U-1, a plane stored in a submarine - Dec 1922
A6434/6435Caspar U-1
Caspar U.1 [aka Caspar-Heinkel U.1] submarine-based patrol seaplane. Delivered to NAS Anacostia, DC 1922.
A6434 mounted on truck for parade and damaged beyond repair by low-hanging trees Jul 1923
View attachment 587066View attachment 587067Source of Photograph: National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress). same site
Kind of reminds me of the Christmas Bullet on floats.
I found the link:

During a flight from Cadiz to Pollensa on 21 March 1938 it came under attack from two Republican Fiat CR. 32 fighters, one of which was shot down by the Ju 52's gunner. Republican Coastal Defence reported ;

Sorry but doubtfull that was shot down by republican CR.32.

CR.32 weren't used by the republican air force. Most probably by I-15.
View attachment 250729

Sikorsky VS 44.

My father worked at Sikorsky when these aircraft were built and is somewhere in the "roll-out" picture of the plane with the Sikorsky employees (hundreds in the photo).

When I worked at Sikorsky, there was a story circulating about one of the engineers (I think it was one of the flight test engineers) who had worked on the VS-44 was taking a flight on Excambian and mentioning that he was one of its engineers before WW2. The pilot pulled him into the cockpit, pulled out a copy of the aircraft manual, and they started discussing things the pilot was not sure about.
Caspar U.1 [aka Caspar-Heinkel U.1] submarine-based patrol seaplane. Delivered to NAS Anacostia, DC 1922.
A6434 mounted on truck for parade and damaged beyond repair by low-hanging trees Jul 1923

That's a nifty looking aeroplane, never heard of it before. Cantilever wings and note the wee airspeed indicator on the wing propelled by air flow.

Airspeed indicator
Some shoots of flying boats & seaplanes from the Spanish Civil War.

Sorry about the lacking quality of the photos.

CANT 501 in nacionalist side

Savoia S 62 from 2 Escuadrilla de Reconocimiento (2nd Reconaissance Squadron) from the goverment side and detail of the badge.


Savoia S 62 from the nacionalist side.

Dornier Wal from the goverment side

Dornier Wal, detail of the front gun position, deep charge support and cockpit

Dornier Wal from the nacionalist side, 1-G-70 Grupo de Reconocimiento Marítimo (1-G-70 Maritime Reconaissance Group)

Badge from the 1-G-70 Grupo de Reconocimiento Marítimo

Macchi M 41 seaplane fighter from the nacionalist side been handled with a crane to the water un Palma de Mallorca port

Two of the Macchi M 41 un the sea
Some more shoots.

Heinkel He 59 from AS/88, the sea patrol unit of the Condor Legion. The forward black disc is awaiting the ace of spades of the unit badge to be drawn in It.

Two Heinkel He 60, one civil CANT Z 506, one Dornier Wal and one CANT Z 501 from the nacionalist side in the Air Sea Base of El Atalayón, in the spanish north Africa, near Melilla.

One He 60 in the foreground and two CANT Z 501 in the background.

Fin badge in the He 60 of the 3 Escuadrilla Grupo 1-G-62-73 de Reconocimiento Marítimo (1-G-62-73 Maritime Reconaissance Group 3rd Squadron)

He 60 in the foreground (same squadron) and He 59 of AS/88 of the Condor Legion in the background, with the ace of spades applied to the forward black disc.

Rear shot of a CANT Z 506 from 2 Escuadrilla Grupo 1-G-62-73 de Reconocimiento Marítimo (1-G-62-73 Maritime Reconaissance Group 2nd Squadron), nacionalist side.

2 Escuadrilla Grupo 1-G-62-73 de Reconocimiento Marítimo (1-G-62-73 Maritime Reconaissance Group 2nd Squadron) unit badge.

CANT Z 506 in the Air Sea Base of El Atalayón, in the spanish north Africa, near Melilla.

Front view, same location.

Fairchild 91, pressed in service by the nacionalist side after the capture of the MV due to bring it (and other military hardware and stores) to the republican goverment. The only one to be flown in the Civil War. Named Virgen de Chamorro (Chamorro Virgin) in the rear fuselage and a Popeye dropping a bomb in the bow.

Detail of Popeye

One of the three Heinkel He 115 sent to AS/88. They arrived too late to take part in the war, 2 days sfter the republican surrender, and returned to Germany little after. Photo taken at Pollensa Naval Base, in the northern tip of Majorca, Balearic Iselands.

On of the Arado Ar 95A-0 arrived at the same time that the He 115. The Arados were left in Spain for the nationalist side.

The badge in the rear fuselage.

IMAN Ro 43 of the italian cruiser Fiume, interned after the italian surrender in Pollensa Naval Base.

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