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Truly and honestly respect you and i found your posts on many forums very educative. But this post of yours, i have to say, is full of inaccurancies. Even more depressing is the fact that several members liked it, even experienced fighter pilots.
Please, PLEASE read the Reports ,not of the german pilots , but the AMERICAN pilots who transfered them in America, and the AMERICAN pilots that test flew the 262 in America. They simply disagree with you . It rolled and turned very well at speed and was fully acrobatic.
"Well" and "Fully acrobatic" need fleshing out as terms. What I tried to point out is the empirical comparison for G capability, CLmax, Wing Loading to provide 'Kentucky windage' for the discussions. Turning 'well' and 'acrobatic' need context if discussing maneuver combat between Me 262 and say, Tempest or Mustang.
For more details read their Reports. I will ask you just one question. Two posts above yours, i copied Word by Word the experience of Brown with the 262. A pilot WHO flew every single aircraft that we talk about. His says the 262 had a desicive advantage in diving over any other combat aircraftof WW2.Brown one of the most experienced test pilots ever. And then , you write , NO it had nearly the same with the P51/P47 and the same with the Tempest /Spitfire. Either Br own or you is wrong.
I had a long running discussion with Brown discussing my questions for his rankings of 'Best'. He did not know that I have a Masters in Aero and he tried to BS me with a comment that the FW 190 had a higher critical Mach than the P-51 because of the thick T/C of the NAA 45-100 - which is absolute bullshit. I respect him but I lost faith in his infallibility - Big time. Especially when RAE did a full series of dive tests on the Mark IV through .85 M (and survived)
By the way he also states the me 262 as" the most formidable combat aircraft of ww2".
I agree this comment for short rang point defense/air superiority.
Also i dont understand your comment on 262 engines. Should be able to outperform its opponents on 1 engine? Also the second engine could very well save the aircraft if not for the thousands enemy fighters that covered every corner of germany in 1945
It s pointless to continiue the discussion. We have to agree that we disagree at everything
I would think that just about every front line fighter in 1945 should be able to do so, but specifically the Spit XIX, Tempest, P-51D/H and P-38L plus La 7 and Yak 3. While the 262 had a lot of thrust - it also had 2x to 50% more W/L and was slow to accelerate. The fighters could run at WEP for the 2+ to 3 minutes it takes to get to 10K. I doubt the Jug for reasons shown below related to take off run.
During the climb, Induced Drag dominates for both the Jest and Piston types but particularly affects the 262 as acceleration is less initially. If you took off with minimum fuel it would be more interesting.
Dto=~ 1.44*W^^2/(g*RHO*S*CLmax*T) where Dto = take off distance, W=weight, Rho = density of air, S=wing area, CLmax= max CL, T=Thrust.
I would have to calculate thrust as a function of Velocity and Hp for the Piston engine and integrate it for take off time to get off the ground, but there is another factor working against the Me 262 - namely tricycle landing gear - which means that the CL during take off is much less than CLmax because of low angle of attack during the roll. The tail draggers are getting lift immediately even though they will reduce AoA as they accelerate.
The Net comparisons then are a.) the 262 is nearly 2x Gross weight over the Spit XIV and 40+% more than the 51 so the numerator is a huge factor for take off distance (i.e. P-47 vs P-51 or Spit), the CL for the 262 is much less for most of the take off run but the thrust is at least 2.5-3x in favor of the 262 when it finally spools up to max power.
The net difference in time to get off the runway is a huge factor in the time to climb to 10K
Would this also be true when comparing the P-39/P-400 vs F4F?
I'm thinking Guadalcanal here.
I would think that just about every front line fighter in 1945 should be able to do so, but specifically the Spit XIX, Tempest, P-51D/H and P-38L plus La 7 and Yak 3. While the 262 had a lot of thrust - it also had 2x to 50% more W/L and was slow to accelerate. The fighters could run at WEP for the 2+ to 3 minutes it takes to get to 10K. I doubt the Jug for reasons shown below related to take off run.
The Mustang could be launched with rapid run up to MP @61" and 1450Hp for Take off power and keep the right foot on da right rudder pedal with 6 degrees of trim.. The P-51H was more benign.I guess it also depends on the amount of power that can be applied for the take-off roll.
The Spitfire XIV was restricted to a lower boost (<= +12psi boost) during take-off because of the torque effect and the narrow undercarriage. Recommended take-off boost was +6psi. Once in the air they could go to +18psi WEP.
but surely it only shows that a head on conflict is roulette, an f35 head on against two hurricanes with cannons may come off worst?
Which cannon had the greater range?