If you were a pilot in ww2 which plane would you want to fly

What plane woul you want to use going into combat

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My apologies for not posting for about a month, been quite busy lately.

A difficult choice on this poll, would like to fly virtually all of them. If you forced my hand, I would probably pick the Spitfire for the fighters and the B-17 for the bombers.


If you want pure ruggedness, versitality, speed and surviveability; give me a Chance Vought Corsair every time!
Disclamer: for b!tchin' speed and firepower at altitude, a Ta. 152 H.0.
It's E.T.O. vs. P.T.O., kids!
Oh, goodness, I have opened up a can 'o worms!
Didn't enter combat until the summer of 1944. By then both Germany and Japan were in serious trouble so a P-51D pilot has a relatively good chance to survive the war.

F8F would be better still as it was a post-war aircraft. But picking an aircraft that didn't see WWII combat is cheating.
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Fighter. The one and only Spitfire a plane so beautifull it makes you eyes water.
Twin Engined. Mosquito.
Bomber. No Lancaster?

The main thing I would prefer would be a Merlin engine, reliable .303's and/or 20 cannons.

Flying a Norseman a long the NW Staging route hopefully after graduating from a Geology course , then I could be rolling in oil and you'd be calling Diamond PB
P-51, F4U, A-20, A-26 ??? I don't think I would like to be on an aircraft carrier so no F4U. I guess the P-51, I like the speed. I really admire the A-20.

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