Interesting F 35 new helmet, pretty amazing.

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Is that the helmet, that's hooked up with those six cameras, for the x-ray vision?


This is one portion of the F-35 program that I have my doubts about, not that I don't think the thing will work but the way it will be handled in service. Those of us who have crewed jets will really understand this.
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Whats your priblem with me? I ask a valid question and you get in huffy puffy mood. Grow up.

You've been a friggin idiot around here for weeks and I'm calling you on your bullsh!t. I'm tell you to stop being a jerkoff or else you're in cyberspace for good - comprende @sshole!!!!
If you think I have offended this forum, its your absolute right to ban me. I have not insulted anyone nor used foul or vain language. If You feel I have threatened you, I apologize.

Do what you want.
If you think I have offended this forum, its your absolute right to ban me. I have not insulted anyone nor used foul or vain language. If You feel I have threatened you, I apologize.

Do what you want.

Apology accepted.

I suggest you start backing up your rants with FACTS or at least try to validate your posts. That's all I'm going to say about this.
I believe 60 Minutes did a expo on the F-35 a while back and showed off that helmet. Looked like it would take some time getting used to because of no frame of reference to the plane. Wild.
For a drone (unmanned AC) to work all the data (and more) sent down those cables must be able to be reliably transmitted and received over huge distances.
Would like to know, what it would take to really give them x-ray vision in the helmets, I mean.....those machines aren't cheap, not small and most probably need a lot of juice to work as well....
Was thinking the same, wonder if pilots have to do special neck strengthning excercises
there's been at lease one similar helmet around for years, I believe the French use it in the Rafel. Believe it of not I'm told it doesn't weight that much and is lighter than the old HGU-26 that I have used, but then again almost anything I've used seems lighter

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