Iran government about to collapse

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Tech Sergeant
Jul 15, 2008
This one deserve its own thread.

Ex-spy chief says Iran government about to collapse

Iranian insider predicts regime change

I dunno man, those guys are totalitarian. Takes a lot to get rid of hard core types like them. In a democracy, they'd be gone. But, they're nowhere near a democracy. People will bitch, march, starve and die and these guys will still be in power. As long as the politically dependable goons will shoot anyone they are told to, the little Stalins of the world are in charge of their corner.

you know as well as I and many this loon wants to unify the Muslim world against Israel and has made too many idle threats to get the IDf in any form to come over for a visit. to remove him will of course have to eliminate all of the present govt leadership.......fine by me. the good thing is some respects is the Iranian youth are pretty much westernized to some degree, but are they strong enough to put in their man/woman as replacement ro still shy enough and weak to allow more of the same or as you say worse to come which in most probability will happen. I really see no bright future for any of the mid-east nations with Israel included.

E ~
I pray for the govt. of Iran to fall. I truly think that the people of Iran (well the vast majority) want this Amanutjob to fall and canter. I truly believe that that younger generation wants change a better nation with better ties to the west. I hope they get it.

I do not think the fall will happen without blood being spilled however...
I can't see Ahmadinejad falling from power, he still has too much support from the population. There is the current rebellion by younger probably more affluent part of the population, but I believe they are a minority, all be it a large minority.

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