Israeli Nuke Strike On Iran Averted ?

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  • 1201598.jpg
    69.9 KB · Views: 50
Holy Shat!

Beautiful! A cross between a starship and a whale with an attitude.

Are those canards on the engines? why?

I always dimissed the C-17 as just a newer version of the C-141 with STOL ability... Boy was I wrong! that is an awsome war bird. I'm glad i got to see it maneuver in person...

When will there be a AC-17?

That needs to be a new thread! great pic!
Vortex generators. You have probably seen the vortex generators on other aircraft (see the Javelin below).

For STOL, these aircraft generally must operate at low speeds during takeoff and landing, so the flow speed over the wings tends to be low as well. Aircraft like the C-17 use vortex generators to create a higher-speed flow over the wings and control surfaces at these conditions to improve performance and controllability. In the case of the C-17, the vortex generators are located on the sides of the engine nacelles rather than on the wings but they still produce the same beneficial effects.


  • javelin_18.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 50
I don't believe the USAF has any plans for an AC-17. They still have the AC-130s. Also, the C-17 is large, and a workhorse as their medium long hauler.
The next generation AC-XXX aircraft is being debated as we write this. The acronym cannot even be agree upon since the aircraft will not be a "gunship" per se. Rather, the next generation AC-XXX will have both explosive and non-explosive ordnance. The capabilities being discussed include those mirroring todays gunship plus beamed energy weapons capable of disabling and/or destroying electronics and hardware, as well as inflicting physical damage to personnel and equipment. Times are a-changin'.
Yep. His open bays of the F-22 are fantastic. Evangilder has a similar pic, but not with the same zoom. Amazing that the F-22 can carry so much internal armament. 4 AIM-9/6 AIM-120 or 4 AIM-9/2 AIM120/4 SDBs.

I've never read that those bays are wet however. That would be interesting to know.

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