It shouldn't happen to a Chef ! (1 Viewer)

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Just happened.

"Take this bottle of water off my table !"

Of course, is there a problem with it ?

"Yes, we don't like the shape of the bottle!"
Maybe it didn't sparkle........................................or maybe it was flat.................................
this mornings special person.

Lady orders a full English breakfast with gluten free toast.
i ask the waiter to check if she wanted a gluten free breakfast as sausage and black pudding are not suitable for a gluten free diet and i would also do the hash brown in a separate deep fryer that is not contaminated from gluten.

no its fine, i just dont like the normal bread as its too much, i am told.

ok start up the breakfast and the waiter comes back in saying the lady has just called her over and announced actually she better have a gluten free breakfast as she is in fact gluten free today !

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