Italaerei 1/72 Ju86 D1

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I copied the pattern on the instruction sheet for the most part. Thanks to Wurger I got better info on the colours I did however jump the gun and use the wrong colour of green. RLM 80 instead of RLM 62 which is quite a bit lighter. So it ended up 61,80,63 over 65. I do wish I had gone with the lighter green but I had already sprayed it and being as this was a masking horror show I'm not going back. There are no colour pictures in time of this bird that I can find. The only colour ones are of kits built and it seems to me that it's open to a wide margin of interpretation. As far as accuracy, I'm more about the plane than the historical authenticity so if it's not quite right I don't sweat it. I am however pretty pleased with how it turned out !!
A bit frustrating at times but a fun kit to do. With a bit of luck and time I'll have it wrapped up this weekend.

Beautiful work mate, looks great!

Here's two views of the Hungarian scheme if anyone's interested. Second is also a darker green, though both are artist's profiles only.

Dzieki for the extra info Wojtek! May need that myself some day!
Well as much as I was hoping to have this wrapped up, it has stalled. The decals are crappolla deluxe !!. I'll check around town and see if I can come up with some, maybe by next weekend.
It's the lettering that is the problem Massive silver skin and a few of them just fell apart. I should be able to find some sheets of 1/72 scale lettering locally. Anyone know of a good source for decals on the net ?? Just in case !
Sorry, my bad, letters not numbers, here is the decal sheet.

The letters are 12mmx6mm, not sure of the style. The 33 D24 is for the Spanish Cavil War version. The one I am building is 42 A26. In a pinch I might reverse the 24 making it into a 42 and then just use the 33 in stead of the 26 making it 42 A33, there's enough letters left over to do this provided there's no more screw ups. I'm sure if there was a 26 there must have been a 33 ??? But then I don't have a clue what the Letters actually mean.
I also plan on hitting Burnaby Hobbies one night this week on my way home. He still has five boxes of decal sets and he's saved my bacon before so we will see. The one thing I have never had much confidence in was applying decals, especially old ancient dried up ones !
Looks great mate! The decals look fine too from here (though maybe the Hakenkreuz should be a bit thicker - can help you out there if you need any.)

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