***It's Now Truly Terry's (Airframes) Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It's a good thing that it is only every 4 years. As you can see Terry Rochie had a wee bit of trouble making it back home


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Thanks very much indeed chaps!
I'm happy to report that Karl and I, plus my mate Mick and his son-in-law, had a really superb day at the Museum at Cosford yesterday, and managed to continue in the pub last night, without any major mishaps!
No problem this time Vic - up and about at a decent hour!
Oh, and many thanks to those who posted greetings on Facebook - still can't work the darned thing properly!
Then there is absolutely no hope. 4 years? I can't remember that far back let alone that far forward. I better just raise four + one beers to you now and consider it done in advance! Happy Next Birthday. :occasion6: :occasion5: :occasion7: :occasion9: :occasion1: :occasion4: There now that's properly done... :D

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