- 4
- Oct 31, 2022
I've been reading Stanley Hooker's "Not much of an Engineer" & he describes tests with a Lancaster converted to run with two turbojets in place of two of the Merlins. Calculations showed a 4 jet version would have a speed in excess of 400mph at 30,000ft with a full bombload making it 'essentially uninterceptable'. Great and all but there's no mention of range. AIUI they were facing increasing problems with German Nightfighters late-war. I recall a discussion in another forum years back with someone who might have been uncharitably called a 'wheraboo' who argued that in a straight Britain vs Germany drawn out fight (the scenario given was Khalkin-Gol erupts into a Soviet-Japanese war resulting in no Pearl Harbour, Hitler dies accidentally & Goering thinks it better to try a Mediterranean strategy than Barbarossa. Britain is left with Lend-Lease, but not enough U.S divisions onside to try Sicily or D-Day) the Germans would have ultimately been able to stop Bomber Command & so win.
Sure, there's a lot to be said about the plausibility (or otherwise) of the hypothetical scenario - but would anyone care to take a guess at a 4 jet Lancasters combat radius in say 1944-45?
Sure, there's a lot to be said about the plausibility (or otherwise) of the hypothetical scenario - but would anyone care to take a guess at a 4 jet Lancasters combat radius in say 1944-45?