John Glenn Heads West

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Total stud.


Below is my favorite John Glenn speech...

Below is a transcript of John Glenn's ending rebuttal statement delivered during a debate with Howard Metzenbaum that took place at the Cleveland City Club on May 4th, 1974. At the time of the debate Glenn and Metzenbaum were running against each other in the Ohio Democratic Primary for U.S. Senator. In a speech given a few weeks prior to the debate Metzenbaum stated that Glenn had never held a real job.

Senator Glenn: "Howard, I can't believe you said I have never held a job.

"I served twenty-three years in the United States Marine Corps. I served through two wars. I flew 149 missions. My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on twelve different occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't my checkbook; it was my life on the line. It was not a nine-to-five job where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank.

"I ask you to go with me, as I went the other day, to a Veterans Hospital and look those men, with their mangled bodies, in the eye and tell them they didn't hold a job. You go with me to any gold-star mother and you look her in the eye and tell her that her son did not hold a job.

"You go with me to the space program, and go as I have gone to the widows and orphans of Ed White and Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee, and you look those kids in the eye and tell them that their Dad didn't hold a job.

"You go with me on Memorial Day coming up and you stand in Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends than I'd like to remember, and you watch those waving flags. You stand there, and you think about this nation, and you tell me that those people didn't have a job.

"I'll tell you, Howard Metzenbaum, you should be on your knees every day of your life thanking God that there were some men – some men - who held a job. And they required a dedication to purpose and a love of country and a dedication to duty that was more important than life itself. And their self-sacrifice is what made this country possible.

"I have held a job, Howard!"

John Glenn won the primary election and went on to win the general election in November. In 1975, Glenn started the first of his four terms (1975-1999) in the U.S. Senate.

John Glenn, first American in orbit, has passed away


by World Warbird News

December 8, 2016

More info on a stellar man and his history

John Herschel Glenn Jr. passed away today, aged 95. While he is especially famous for being the first American to orbit the Earth, he led a very rich aeronautical career as a fighter and test pilot, and was three times a US senator.

Born in 1921, Glenn joined the US Navy after Pearl Harbor and was eventually transferred to the US Marine Corps. He flew a first tour of operations flying R4D transports, the US Navy version of the famous C-47, and later a second tour on the F4U Corsair fighter.

During the Korean War, he completed a first tour of operations flying F9F Panthers before joining a US Air Force exchange program and flying 27 missions on the F-86 Sabre, with which he claimed 3 victories over MiG-15 jet fighters in the final days of the conflict.

He later became a test pilot and made the first supersonic transcontinental flight over the US, flying an F8U-3P Crusader on 16 June 1957.

In 1958, he became part of NASA's first group of astronauts and became the first American to orbit the Earth, onboard Friendship 7 on 20 February 1962.

He left NASA in 1964 and began a career in business and politics. He was elected three times a US Senator.

In 1998, Glenn returned to space on the space shuttle mission STS-95, thus becoming the oldest astronaut ever.


The "Project Bullet" Crusader, flown by John Glenn on July 16, 1957. (© Gaëtan Marie / Bravo Bravo Aviation)
Sad to see his passing away but what a life he lived.

With regard to Biffs post. Why do no marks always say that people like John Glenn didn't have a "proper job" society and technology is rarely advanced by those with a "job". The Wright brothers didnt have a "job" in aviation until they built an aeroplane to start with, people like Glenn blaze and mark the trail, jobs come later for more ordinary people.


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