Lancaster Carburettor

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Don't do it man! You have your whole life ahead of you!

Drinking, parties, frequent amounts of the other,

But seriously dude, I'm 25, and have only vague, scratchy ideas about what I want to do with my life yet. (I have to, and am, considering my options for the future a bit more in depth, but then, I have a whole decade on you.)

We're all living longer, and there's no need to rush - that only leads to disaster.
Well, okay, but be sure to consider all the different paths you could potentially take, since once that particular choice is made, there's no going back.......
You lot make me chuckle..... Thank you!
Sorry I made you blush Jim, it is a sort of Northern expression ( or a Bev expression....not sure which), I'm sure I will come out with worse.... so be prepared!
Oi Lancs!!! ( )where were you when I needed help with mi Lancs Carb then.

And CC lad I have to agree with Med .. again, I will have to stop doing that... people will talk ! ( let them talk I say, let them!). But CC you are 15 lad, though your view is noble and lovely. Dear god lad... live a little... you can do the living a little with your girlfriend, doesn't mean you have to be unfaithful.
Drinking, parties, frequent amounts of the other
well Med.... you paint an interesting picture there and yet still find time to join us on line.... how accomplished

Thanks again Jim.... well pleased!

ps.... 'The Darkness' were fan flipping tastic, good music and crazy humour. splendid stuff!

I dont wanna live Thers not much I particularly wanna do, im not the kinda person who'll be out at the pub or at parties or anything, im happy just being at home 8)

Ah, I've been skintos the last couple of months, which has put a dampner on the debauched excesses that I knew.

This has resulted in me getting much more work done this term than before, so its swings and roundabouts really.
Well CC, I have to say, I am impressed by you. you stick to your guns lad and say what you like, even if it isn't what others expect.
Here is a saying just for you: "Only dead fish go with the flow".
Be happy CC that's all that matters lovely.

Med sometimes being skinto is a good detox .... says Cripps with a bottle of wine at her side... (it's cheap), I am saving myself for a blow out and Rock night on the 18th.
I have to add this... when you look at a 'Lancaster' do you not feel that it is about to say something to you? It is a plane with 'a face'.
Take a look.... it is about to speak. BUT! what is it about to say?
( yes I am barking...blesss me!)

Hugs Cripps!
"I wish this hideous wart on my chin would go away"

Thanks Cripps! Some call it being brave, some call it being stubborn, I just call it being stupid But hey, I speak my mind nad I dont give a toss what others think of me
Very witty today CC.
I have just nipped on to print out the various carb info.... must start learning them there parts.
Hey GRG....
life needs debauchery
I will settle when Im past 30
Dear god don't say that, I am just about to go 'back out there' ( after a lengthy few years in the shade) in search of debauchery and you say folk are all settled after 30!!! well that is just flipping great!
I might as well stay in and learn 'ALL' the parts of a Lancs then
Crippen said:
Dear god don't say that, I am just about to go 'back out there' ( after a lengthy few years in the shade) in search of debauchery and you say folk are all settled after 30!!! well that is just flipping great!

Ha! I'll be lucky if I've even passed my driving test by then....
I have to add this... when you look at a 'Lancaster' do you not feel that it is about to say something to you? It is a plane with 'a face'.
Take a look.... it is about to speak. BUT! what is it about to say?

ah i have to admit, often when i'm feeling lonely i'll sit in my room and talk to the grand ol' dame, she's a great listener, really helps me with my problems, she always has something nice to say..........

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