living in bomber country

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Senior Airman
Apr 7, 2012
Bomber country, England
As part of my profile I have where I live as bomber country. As an example of this, I took a bike ride today and passed five WWII bomber bases.

First up was RAF Upwood where Mosquitoes and Lancasters flew out from 1944 onwards. It's all rather run down now unfortunately but still there.


The main guardroom and Station Headquarters.

Next up was RAF Glatton, now Peterborough business airport. Home to the 457th bomb group flying B17's.


This road that leads past used to be the third runway.

75 years ago that would have been a B17 landing and I'd have been standing where the two runways met.


Still commemorated with the village of Connington's sign and a memorial where the main road from Cambridge to Peterborough passed by.

Next up was RAF Alconbry, another American base. Still an operational base up until fairly recently.


Fourth is RAF Wyton. Another base that remained operational into the cold war. Still an RAF base but not an operational station.

Last up is RAF Warboys. There is almost no sign of this station anymore, used to fly pathfinders during the war.

This picture was taken where what used to be the main runway was extended to cross the road into the village during the war. This is really the only indication that a bomber base used to be here.

All in all 37.37 miles passing 5 bases.
To me I think Glatton is the most interesting. Because what was the third runway is now a road you can almost get the feeling of being out on the base, still see where taxiways were.

Because I was nearly 20 years in the RAF Upwood feels rather melancholy, the station buildings are still there, the layout feels half familar but it's so run down now.

Alconbry and Wyton both have limited access as they are still active stations even if not flying plus Alconbry is now being built on, a new business park and housing estate.

Warboys is just hints of what was there when you look at Google maps. You can see it if you know what you're looking for but it wouldn't be obvious if you didn't.
From the graffiti on the buildings, your young people have no more respect for their heritage than our youngsters do.
Ooo, went to Wyton in July; very secret squirrel. No photos. At all. Seriously.

View attachment 5123520707 RAF Wyton Gate Guard

View attachment 5123530707 RAF Wyton Heritage and Conference Centre
Just saying Hello, really! I moved up to April and I'm still getting myself settled in. I volunteer at Metheringham Airfield Visitor Centre, working in the archives and coordinating digitizing the mass of original photos. I get to Coningsby, Lakenheath and Mildenhall whenever there's anything interesting to photograph. Glad I moved - a great county with friendly people. Dave

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