Looking for information

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Jan 3, 2013
Just found the following in an attic:
1/100 scale kit of both a B-29A and a Ki-45.
The manufacturer is listed as "Sunny" and the Kit No. is S-600.
Everything appears to be in the box but instructions are in Japanese.

Looking for information about the model.
The B-29A seems to be the quite old model of Japanese manufacturer named Marusan reboxed by SunnY.
Some info here Old Model Kits :: Plastic model info and howtos » Blog Archive » The History of Marusan
I'm not sure but the model was offered by Korean Academy MiniCraft firm too. The SunnY firm was the Japanese one as well.
Both models seems to be quite basic taking the scale into consideration. So the instruction shouldn't be needed at all.
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Wow. This was really a shot in the dark for information - didn't expect such a prompt and informative response. Thanks!
The re-boxing gives a clue as to why there was a third aircraft kit in the box (separate bag) but not depicted anywhere on the instructions.
The re-boxing gives a clue as to why there was a third aircraft kit in the box (separate bag) but not depicted anywhere on the instructions.

I don't thnk so. The kit should consist of two kits. Just the reboxed B-29A ( although it was moulded by the SunnY with Marusan"s initial moulds ) and the Ki-45 which is probably the origin SunnY kit ( BTW.. it is of 1/101 scale but not of the 1/100 like the Superfortress ). The third kit might have been attached later by everyone. I keep a couple of kits in the same way. Just for saving some of my stash room.

Please post a few pictures of the additional kit . We can work out for which plane type the kit is.
Here's a shot of the third kit.
Based on the large circle on the wing, it's Japanese, a Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien, I think.
almost looks like the Tamiya Ki-61 in 1/50, I'll double check mine in the afternoon and let you know might not be 1/50 but might be a Tamiya, it has similar color plastic.

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