Looking for names of USAAF members killed in RCAF Wellington July 6 1942

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Hi Crimea River,
I have already found those names and entered them on to my website they were all RCAF. It just seemed to be heartless to just say two members of the USSAF rather then have their names entered. There was also an RAF airman with them, with no name mentioned that I am also looking for.

Thanks for finding those names, maybe by mentioning those it may be help to someone remember something, it seems to work that way

Try RAF Bomber Command Losses by W.R. Chorley. You could try looking up the other crew's names here if you know them, then follow on with that info:


Alternatively you could try the Department of Information Research (DoRIS) at RAF Museum, where they will give you a copy of the aircraft's accident card (Air Ministry Form 1180) and a copy of the Bomber Command loss record, from where the above book was researched.
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I've checked the ORB, and the Squadron was stood down from operations, at that date, to allow for training. It's possible that the two were along for a ride, or could have been official observers, so the report might be from the airfield, not the Squadron. This won't be easy.
According to my records, 419 were based at Mildenhall; the airfield's book records that L419 crashed 2 miles from Molesworth, on that date, with 8 of the 10 occupants being killed, Cowell being Captain of the aircraft. No other names are mentioned. There are still other places to look.

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