Thanks chaps.
I was thinking of all sorts of ways to make the mudguards, the obvious being plastic card, or maybe thin aluminium from a printing plate, bent to shape. But that would probably be tricky, given the relatively small area, especially bonding the 'guard to the mounts, which will be quite thin in diameter, whilst at the same time retaining an equal, continuous curve on each 'guard.
So I searched around for (preferably) plastic tube of a suitable diameter and relatively thin wall thickness, thinking I could cut the shapes, but didn't have any luck - unless I was prepared to place a minimum order for a case of twenty, two meter long tubes !!!
Eventually, I ended up buying a pack of 10 of these small containers, for a couple of Pounds including shipping, from a company that supplies equipment to Entomologists ( insect / bug / butterfly collectors ) !
I should be able to make the 'guards from one container, and will still have 9 left for storing small bits and pieces ( or bugs ! ), or for other modelling needs as required.
Anyway, after inspecting the red paint on the
Gold Leaf car, I was happy enough with the finish, so the masking has been removed. There were only two very small "glitches" in the demarcation between the two colours, where I must have got the masking slightly wrong, but these will be covered by gold cheat lines anyway, so I'm not too concerned.
The nose cone has been masked, ready to spray the gold colour, and the unmasked area lightly sanded to thin and flat the remaining red paint overspray.
I might get this sprayed later tonight, but first I want to get a second coat of gloss black on the
JPS car.
The pics below show how the model looks so far, with the main body parts just loosely dry-fit for the photos, and also shows the two above-mentioned small glitches in the paint demarcation, and the masked nose cone. The gold cheat line decals, and the
Gold Leaf decal sheet are also shown, the cheat lines to be used on both models.
Back when there's more to show .....................