Luftwaffe Day at FHC Aug 13

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Nov 16, 2008
I'll be heading out to Everett, Washington to see the Flying Heritage Collection's Luftwaffe Day this Saturday Flying Heritage Collection - FHC Events. I'll be bringing the significant other and will come back through BC's wine country on the way back home so a nice little vacation coming up.

If anyone is heading there, let me know. Also, I'd welcome any tips on getting to the best spot for taking pics.
Thanks guys.

This was my first time to FHC so I spent some time trying to get the lay of the land. The show is actually FREE but I spent the 10 buck admission to see Paul Allan's unique collection. The admission also gets you privileged photo access close to the planes and also a viewing up close when the engines start. However, once the engines start, the best viewing is then about 200m away at a fence along the taxi way. As the later was filling up, I elected to pass on the engine starts and reserve a couple of spots by the taxi way.

I took over 600 pics which I need to sort through and many of the flying shots are garbage. The weather was great but the flypasts occurred between noon and 1:30 along a north/south runway so the sun was not in an ideal spot for lighting the aircraft while in the air. I'll have limited time to sort and edit the pics until I get back home and will, in the meantime, try to post a few. Here are a couple from today's event:

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