Luftwaffe Day at FHC Aug 13

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Thanks everyone. Terry, yes, that will be an exciting day when it takes to the air again.

I found a few more detail pics of the 109 that I did not download from my camera. Potentially useful stuff here for modelers and also something new, at least to me.....

A good view of the antenna pick-up point on the fuselage, something you don't see in a lot of pics. Note also the center line seam.

Now here's a detail I was not aware of - these little indicators on both wings. Are these maybe related to the radiator flaps?

Great detail pics Andy. I've seen those indicator pegs before, and some decal sheets include the red circles. I'm not sure, but I think I've seen them described as landing gear indicators, even though they're well aft of the legs. Rad flap indicators would make sense though.
Thanks guys. Did a bit of digging in the manual and, with my rusty German, was able to confirm that the indicators are for the rad flaps. In the diagram below, the item shown as "c" is what we are talking about and it's referred to as an "Anzeigstange" which means indicator bar and it's clearly attached to the radiator exit flap.


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