Marcel and Adler’s Euro Cup 2024 Thread

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And the penalty was still a handball in the penalty box.
Just looked it up. A handball should be deliberate and not being hit by accident. So the penalty given was dubious at best.

rst, the rule for a hand ball includes using any part of the body from the tips of the
fingers to the shoulder. Second, the proper way to look at this soccer rule is that a
player cannot "handle" the ball. A ball that is kicked and hits a player's hand or arm
is not a hand ball. This means that the referee must judge whether or not a hand ball is accidental contact or the player handled the ball on purpose.
As for offsides calls, I think VAR is ruining it. I agree that the Danish player was barely offsides. They just showed the VAR animation, and he was literally a toe length offsides. Thats it. In the days before VAR it would have been a goal and not offsides. They need to do away with VAR.
As for offsides calls, I think VAR is ruining it. I agree that the Danish player was barely offsides. They just showed the VAR animation, and he was literally a toe length offsides. Thats it. In the days before VAR it would have been a goal and not offsides. They need to do away with VAR.
Well, without VAR maybe it would have been a goal. Or then not. Or the referee would mistakenly flag an offside even if there was none. VAR just makes it all more accurate.

About the only negative thing about VAR IMHO is that it breaks the flow of the game.

Now one could argue that the need for VAR is a symptom of a rule that is very difficult both for players to follow and for referees. Could you replace the rule with something else that accomplishes roughly the same thing? If so, what?
Who determines if it was deliberate or not? All players will say its not on purpose. Thats why its always called like that, every game.
Hmm, if you see the movement of the player it's quite plausible ( I would say obvious) that it wasn't deliberate. That the referee then still decided to give the penalty is the reason why I call it cheap. It's one of those grey areas, but the combination of the offside decision first and then this penalty leaves a bad taste. I hope we won't see this referee anymore.
But congratulations Germany. Despite the decisions of the referee it's still well deserved.
Hmm, if you see the movement of the player it's quite plausible ( I would say obvious) that it wasn't deliberate. That the referee then still decided to give the penalty is the reason why I call it cheap. It's one of those grey areas, but the combination of the offside decision first and then this penalty leaves a bad taste. I hope we won't see this referee anymore.
But congratulations Germany. Despite the decisions of the referee it's still well deserved.

If you really want to go that route, what about the first goal called back (I personally am ok with the decision), but the "foul" that negated the goal was very ticky tacky. When there is a corner kick like that, players from all sides are pushing around. What Kimmich was called on happens all the time and is rarely called.

Sorry, the ref made questionable calls against both sides.
Hmm, if you see the movement of the player it's quite plausible ( I would say obvious) that it wasn't deliberate. That the referee then still decided to give the penalty is the reason why I call it cheap. It's one of those grey areas, but the combination of the offside decision first and then this penalty leaves a bad taste. I hope we won't see this referee anymore.
But congratulations Germany. Despite the decisions of the referee it's still well deserved.
This has a history. When I was a kid playing football the rule was always quoted as "controlling the ball with the hand or arm" the essential difference between Soccer and Rugby. Then there was a tournament I watched when working in Italy, but I cant remember which it was but it was in the 1990s . Defenders were holding their arms out to prevent crosses being crossed, knowing that it wouldnt be given as "hand ball". Then the referees decided that holding hands arms out in such a way WOULD be and was given as hand ball. Then because by that time there was more than just pride on the result, strikers would chip the ball into the penalty area hoping to catch a defenders arm, turning maybe a 1 in 20 chance of a goal into a 9 in 10 chance with the referees whistle. IMHO the whole thing about penalties and the penalty area needs to be changed, the contact with the players hand didnt deserve giving the attacking team an almost certain goal in a sport where goals are actually rare.
And Marcel, using that logic my friend, any referee who wants to change the course of the game only has to decide a non-deliberate handball was deliberate. It will always be his word against the players.

That is why handballs are called regardless.
This has a history. When I was a kid playing football the rule was always quoted as "controlling the ball with the hand or arm" the essential difference between Soccer and Rugby. Then there was a tournament I watched when working in Italy, but I cant remember which it was but it was in the 1990s . Defenders were holding their arms out to prevent crosses being crossed, knowing that it wouldnt be given as "hand ball". Then the referees decided that holding hands arms out in such a way WOULD be and was given as hand ball. Then because by that time there was more than just pride on the result, strikers would chip the ball into the penalty area hoping to catch a defenders arm, turning maybe a 1 in 20 chance of a goal into a 9 in 10 chance with the referees whistle. IMHO the whole thing about penalties and the penalty area needs to be changed, the contact with the players hand didnt deserve giving the attacking team an almost certain goal in a sport where goals are actually rare.

Exactly, and I agree.
Exactly, and I agree.
In all the pundit discussions on this over many years and they were still raging about the Germany Denmark match when I switched the TV off, no one asks "Is that contact with the hand in that position deserving of giving the attacking team a 90% chance of a goal. The penalty is completely out of proportion to the offence, I have seen penalties given when the ball was going out of play for a throw in to the defending side, just because "that's the rule".
If you really want to go that route, what about the first goal called back (I personally am ok with the decision), but the "foul" that negated the goal was very ticky tacky. When there is a corner kick like that, players from all sides are pushing around. What Kimmich was called on happens all the time and is rarely called.

Sorry, the ref made questionable calls against both sides.
Correct, I'm as I said I'm not happy with the referee. I still counted more calls against the Danish, though.
The outcome however was deserved as I said.
In all the pundit discussions on this over many years and they were still raging about the Germany Denmark match when I switched the TV off, no one asks "Is that contact with the hand in that position deserving of giving the attacking team a 90% chance of a goal. The penalty is completely out of proportion to the offence, I have seen penalties given when the ball was going out of play for a throw in to the defending side, just because "that's the rule".

I actually agree with you, but that is how the game has been called for sone time. It was not favoritism for one team over the other. Its how handballs are currently being called.

Should the rule be changed? Yes. Absolutely
I actually agree with you, but that is how the game has been called for sone time. It was not favoritism for one team over the other. Its how handballs are currently being called.

Should the rule be changed? Yes. Absolutely
I have been watching that pair of clowns Atwell and Oliver for years, they have form in the Premier League, in exactly the same situation with different teams they will rule that it wasnt a penalty for Nottingham Forest because they are playing Manchester United, so, no clear and obvious error, he arm was in a "natural position", no need for the referee to view the monitor, nothing to see here and let me tell you VAR gets 96% of decisions right. Germany deserved to win BTW in my opinion.

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