Member Biography/Profile thread

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oh oh oh my turn...

well now lets see, i was born, raised and still resides in Mareeba, Queensland( my birthday is the 7th September you all remember that) i have a lovely girlfriend called cherry and we only been together for 2 weeks now and her parents like me so i'm all good, a pet dog called Karlie and she is roughly 5 years old and she is a English Springer Spaniel, nothing really much i went to school out in a small rural primary school developed some friends that i will travel to hell and back with other i wouldn't p*ss on if they were on fire, then after that i moved to the high school in town where I've been since grade 8, had my nasty accident in grade 9 where i tried TRIED to tackle a Nissan navara...the car sorta won, i received 2 broken legs well 1 broken leg (in three places all along the shin) and a broken ankle on my left side i was in hospital for roughly 2 months all up a wheelchair for 2 weeks on crouches for another 6 I think, made some even better friends after my accident. After my accident Ijoined the AAFC (Australian Air-Force Cadets) last year and so proud I did, I am really enjoying it now uhmmmm and that's it for now anyway. My friend got me sucked into listening Rammstein and after that the only sort of music I been listening to is all Heavy-Metal and all that sorta stuff. I really don't like saying this but I tried taking my own life last year by slitting my wrist cause my life was going downhill at that stage because I was getting picked on so much at school and all the other stuff. My pictures arent really good pictures cause my camera is kinda cr*ppy so sorry about the quality and here is the person that has been terrorizing the forum ever since he had joined (and it killed me inside to wear my hat like that)


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Hang in there man! , life can be a real bitch sometimes , I think everyone sometime in their life considers going down that road - music certainly helps the look like you've got quite a DVD collection!
Scooter, I think we've all been through that turnstile but I'm glad you found us. Hang in there! You got world-wide friends now!!!

and the pic. You should see mine in the Members Pic thread. At least you look human. Me, well......
yup, I'll agree just hang in there...remember what goes up must come down, AND vice versa. As for idiot-a*ses that you have to deal with at school, there are 2 ways to think about it..either you can take the peaceful route, breathe deeply and remind yourself that we are all fighting our own insecurities and battles OR take the non-tree hugger stance and think F*ck EM! and go your merry way. Pain builds character.

reminds me of a story:

In school I had one b*stard that would bug the crap out of me all the time. Big bully, cut classes, had the best chicks, yada, yada. Flash forward to a couple months ago. I'm in court with a couple cases, handling some pretrial plea bargains and he walks up all, "Hey, wow, Chris, how ya doing" with a look on his face like he was impressed. He looked terrible, gut so big he couldn't see his belt buckle, more craters in his face than the moon and looking at jail time for like the 4th or 5th time. I was nice, said hey, and was smiling inside! Loved it. Payback is a b*tch!!!
Good stories RA and Scooter. I'm sure reading the others bio's that you see we all have had severe up's and down's.

Ya'll just hang in there and if you ever need to vent, just let us know.
Heh. What's life without a few ups and downs? Nobody ever promised that it'd be easy. Anyone out here who reads their Bible might recongnize (and I'm going to badly paraphrase...possibly mangle...) the verse that says "there is no temptation/trial that will come upon you that is not common to Man". Meaning, basically, that someone somewhere has "been there, done that". When you get to that point, and have experienced the lows, its now your turn to help someone else get through a similar situation. The names and fine details may vary, but the overall situations are the same. And if nothing else, I've got two shoulders to cry on, ears to vent to.
Scooter don't ever let the bastards get you down. Everyone gets picked on. Believe it. What is great about highschool is getting out. But don't think for a second that you won't run into these same people at work, the gym, grocery store or church. The difference is that now you can have the confidence that if they lay an ever lovin' friggin' finger on you, you can sue their @ss off.

Life is bigger than these people's IQ. More people are extremely nice than like those doofus'. Take it from me, the supreme solopsist. Karma is real. They will get their due. It comes true EVERY time. You just may not be around to see it.
wow very interesting stories guys (and girl ). Hang in there scott, you will make it through just fine, and it looks like your not the only DVD enthusiast here! Last time I bothered to check my DVD collection owes me upwards of 3000 bux!
Hey Scooter, do not let those assholes in High School get to you like that. They are not worth the dirt you walk on. Just ignore them, you are better than them.

I am glad you did not succeed in your suicide attempt my friend. As with everyone here, they have a place in this forum. We are all one happy cyber family.
thanks guys this forums has actually help me a lot and i got a little story this is the only case where I actually lashed out anyway, one morning before school i was playing handball and one of those kids started teasing me about my face all the names you could think of he called me I walked away and he followed I turned around told him to f-off he wouldn't he kept calling me names so I turned around and put him into a headlock and I wouldn't let go except I had all my friends yelling in my ear so i finally did he was out cold and I went on as a normal school day, got home nothing happened, went to school the next day got called to the office thinking I was going to get expelled or somethin I was sacred sh*tless got there and all i got was a warning but i have never done it again anyway
Sometimes you just have to turn around and stand up for yourself. Nothing wrong with that. God didn't create us to be defenseless little critters! Now, if you started making a habit of doing that, that's another story. I can't fault the way you handled it, though.
Sometimes that is the only way to get a point across. Nothin' wrong with kickin' a little as#.

Best to place the anger where it originated, at least it wasn't supressed. Thats healthy!
Yep, I firmly believe that some people in this world need to get a serious a$$ thrashing and this guy sounds like he was the perfect candidate for one. I wish I had stood up to a few bullies in my younger years as you did. I'd like to meet my high school tormentors now that I'm a lot more sure of myself, a whole lot less introverted, and have much larger muscles that I did back then
I wasn't tortured in highschool. I was in middleschool. But I'd still like to meet those mental midgets.

On better thought. No I wouldn't. What am I saying.

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