oh oh oh my turn...
well now lets see, i was born, raised and still resides in Mareeba, Queensland( my birthday is the 7th September you all remember that) i have a lovely girlfriend called cherry and we only been together for 2 weeks now and her parents like me so i'm all good, a pet dog called Karlie and she is roughly 5 years old and she is a English Springer Spaniel, nothing really much i went to school out in a small rural primary school developed some friends that i will travel to hell and back with other i wouldn't p*ss on if they were on fire, then after that i moved to the high school in town where I've been since grade 8, had my nasty accident in grade 9 where i tried TRIED to tackle a Nissan navara...the car sorta won, i received 2 broken legs well 1 broken leg (in three places all along the shin) and a broken ankle on my left side i was in hospital for roughly 2 months all up a wheelchair for 2 weeks on crouches for another 6 I think, made some even better friends after my accident. After my accident Ijoined the AAFC (Australian Air-Force Cadets) last year and so proud I did, I am really enjoying it now uhmmmm and that's it for now anyway. My friend got me sucked into listening Rammstein and after that the only sort of music I been listening to is all Heavy-Metal and all that sorta stuff. I really don't like saying this but I tried taking my own life last year by slitting my wrist cause my life was going downhill at that stage because I was getting picked on so much at school and all the other stuff. My pictures arent really good pictures cause my camera is kinda cr*ppy so sorry about the quality and here is the person that has been terrorizing the forum ever since he had joined (and it killed me inside to wear my hat like that)