Michael Maltby?

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".. ... He was the executor of Richard Dinsmore's will and got to see many of his "keepsakes" from WW1. He donated them to the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa..."

I recall 3 rifles: a Springfield, a Mauser and a Lee Enfield mounted in the entrance alcove of Jo and Dick's apartment; and I recall Dick showing me a Luger and a Browning pistol. There were polished brass 25 pounder casings on either side of the fireplace .... and a budgie bird ...

I would enjoy chatting with you and your Dad .... forum email is not working for me at this time .... but post on this thread and we can work out a communication channel.



There were many more items that he kept stored in an old army trunk. I saw a few of them when my Dad went through all of his things.

Gosh... you and my Dad sure will have wonderful conversations to share with each other. This is fantastic! Do you remember their old secretary desk that they had? My Dad has it in his living room. I think of them every time I see it.

I replied to your email... hopefully you got my reply.

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