Bomb racks and rocket rails weren't even fitted to the Mig !5 until the Mig 15 bis, (2nd version) it wasn't designed for frontal aviation, it was designed as a bomber interceptor.
No, it' wasnt. This is an old legend peddled from ignorant western so called "experts"*. Just look at soviet official specifications for the plane, they are no more secret and were published many times before in specialised litterature (cf Gordon and Komissarov). If you don't have any recent book about the plane, look even in wiki (russian) and use translator.
МиÐ"-15 â€" Ð'икипедиÑ
Just four your information, the MiG-15 was intended from the mainstream (technical request) to carry 2 * 50 or 100kg bombs. So threre were fasteners underwings to accept bomb lauchers. Now was it fitted or not, is another problem...
And for more free information, rockets were not main soviet weapons since mid-1943 for ground attacks, but canons for light tanks and AFV's, and PTAB's for medium and heavy tanks...
* But general cliche/prejudice it was a long time ago considered taht the MiG-15 was created as a B-29 interceptor. Not from everyone of course, Bill Gunston for instance estimated with reason that MiG-9 was already perfectly fulfilling the job.
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