Militaria Collecting

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many years ago, my grandfather started collecting japanese swords. He managed to amss about 30 or so, including one particular sword, in which the blade was dated as at least 500 years old, and the guard at about 1200. I have no idea what it would be worth, but before he died, he gave it to me.

Before I went overseasw in the Navy, I had a roaring argument with my father. in a fit of pique, he sold my sword. Later he regretted it, but our relationship never really did get over that fight, and I dont have that swoard anymore either......
alright, i finally dug my some of my stuff out. these are all things my dad brought back home. he flew so he had to pick up things from GIs coming back thru the uk on their way home.

#1 the swastika supposedly hung in the Nuremberg stadium...thats what my dad was told by the GI..who knows. the 37mm shell was from a from a P39 which was the original ac assigned to the 357th fg. the 50 newer. the walther p38 had the original holster but it has since dry rotted. the original waterproof bag is still intact. all matching serial #s and has the nazi..eagle holding the swastika stamped in it.

#2 dad's flight "helmet"...still in decent shape. you cant see the neck mic but its there. the oxygen mask he purchased only several years ago for this display. most american ( in my dad's fg anyways) fliers wore sunglasses of the aviator style like shown when flying and used the goggles if they had to bail or if the canopy got shot up too badly.

#3 is his flighter cap, a gun camera film cartridge, and one of the 2 silk scarf maps he had. they wore these scarves depending upon the destination so if they had to escape they had a map. they also wore a clear plastic pouch around their neck that that has a placard in several languages basically said " I am an American pilot. Please help get me to get to the resistance" but that is in a shadow box elsewhere.

#4 is just a close up of one of the silk maps. i

used to have his A2 jacket and mae west but time wasnt kind to them.....but still have the 16mm gun camera footage..just need to find a 16mm projector!!

if they need resized i will work on that tomorrow....


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great collections gents, I need to go back and see what I posted way back when I have many documents lying around as they are easy to store within acid free papers.

hers a few fun items as I collect German Kriegsmarine stuff as well as Luftwaffe

S-Boot Abzeichen front and back

Gedank Tafel to KM RK winner Karcher with signatures of former Kameraden on the bottom

Friend of mine asked me to look in a cigar box and what was in it blew me away , he had original hat badges from almost every regiment from the CEF (Canadian Army ) WW1 including RFC . There was a 104 different cap badges
That must have been a sight to see Neil.

I really need to get the rest of my collection from my mothers house. I have a ton of stuff I could post. Unfortunately pretty much everything I have here at my house I have posted for now. It was much easier to keep it at my families house when I joined the military then drag it all over the place, since it is a rather large collection.
A recent acquisition. Not quite WW2, but the pack, canopy, and harness of the main 'chute are almost the same. This is an Irvin PX4 (NS) static line parachute, and PXR 7 reserve, the type I used to use when young and daft, although the reserve is a slightly later type.
It's all complete, even down to the '18 thread' holding the lift webs (risers to our American cousins!) and static line in the stowed position.
I'll post some pics of other stuff once I've finished re-arranging the house furniture - and recover from the effort!


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Nice addition, Terry!

The big question is, are you going to go out and use 'em?

I just recieved some of my Dad's things, including his foot-locker and items from his military service. Oddly enough, in the bottom of his foot-locker, is a "Barber Pan" style helmet which I know was not his (he served 1961 to 1967 and he had a "pot" with liner) and I don't recall him ever mentioning it, so now I'm left with a mystery...
Thanks Dave. I wish I was still fit enough, and able-bodied enough, to use them!
They are 'signed off' RAF Stores as serviceable, when retired in favour of the LLPC, and even though that was in the late 1990's (for the main 'chute), they probably still are serviceable - although I wouldn't like to try it without a thorough check and re-pack !!!
Also, it's many years since I did a static line jump, having moved on to free-fall, with modern, ram-air canopies - maybe not better landings, but bl**dy softer landings!!

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