Ya I am the caretaker of the FW 190 now. When the pilot comes back it is my buisness to makes sure that plane gets squared away. Our 262 is tits isnt it? I will let all know when the Warbirds show is, we are about to have our Biplanes and Triplanes in Sept. I am training to maove aircraft cause they need more hands during airshows. Basically I have full access to all the owners aircraft. The pin ups LOL that is def fun, the owner took me up in the Dragon Rapide for 45 mins. That was a sweet ride. I have tons more pic I will post when I am not playing down there. We just had a WWII B17 pilot come in today, that was a tender moment when he stopped and just looked and looked at our B17. That is the best about going down there.....by far!