Military Toys

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Nov 11, 2004
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Alright, alright, so they're not technically "models" per se, but what the hell? ;)

I don't know if there are any collectors of military toys out there (Clave?), but I thought I'd start a thread anyway and see how it fares.

There are a few different manufacturers who make well detailed, realistic military toys, both of modern and vintage vehicles and aircraft. Companies like Admiral Toys, 21st Century Toys, and bbi. I own a few of the WWII birds by 21st Century, and I like them. I don't own as many as I'd like, as it's an expensive hobby. Some of these things can be a bit pricey. I am seriously thinking of getting the F-86E Sabre by Admiral Toys though. It's tempting as all hell. I wonder if they'll ever release an RCAF version. :-k

Good link, for those into this sort of thing: 1:18 Squadron - 1:18th scale aircraft from Admiral Toys
So does anyone from the UK have some of the old Corgi diecast AFVs from the 70s? God I loved those as a kid, but certainly could never have afforded them.
PG ...parental guidance
Got this a yard sale for $5 the photo is taken on a 12" tile maybe one of the armour guys will tell me what it is


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My wife will only allow me to have the one 1/18th scale aircraft. I got the razorback P-47 Thunderbolt "Jabo". They have a P-38 that is really cool. I have a ton of smaller collectible warbirds, I think they were made by Matchbox.
I had the Corgi Scorpion, which had a spring operated system to shoot little plastic shells, sort of semi-automatic. It was the last toy "tank" (everyone knows the Scorpion isn't a tank!) I ever bought, when I was about 13 or so.

And what about the Corgi aircraft - not the new model-style ones, but the old toy ones? Fabulous! I had them all, the Spit I with an electric motor, like the Bf109e (trop), and the Hurricane II with a clicking wheel built into the fuselage, to simulate gunfire... and the Ju87 with dropped its bomb! That was the very best! I lay awake ALL NIGHT one Christmas eve, so excited I couldn't sleep! I must have been 9 or 10, and I knew what I was getting the next morning! Fantastic toys.
i've only got a few of the new Corgi Fighting Machines series as part of the showcase collection, each model's only a few inches but it allows me a big and varied collection, and by varied i mean i have 3 different lancs :D
My planes are stuck away in storage, but I'll attempt to dig one or two of them out and take a couple of pics later on. They're 1:18 scale, so they're about the scale of Star Wars figures, and each of them comes with a pilot and everything. :toothy5:
I'm not real satisfied with the Spitfire pilot though. He's not very true to life.

The first two pics here aren't mine, but they're of two of the planes I currently own. The P-51D "Flying Undertaker", and a 74 Sqn. Spitfire Mk.I. I mean look at some of these things! Man, who wants to grow up, eh?! :D

If only they weren't so bloody expensive. I'd own the entire Luftwaffe. :rolleyes:

*All pics courtesy of


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The 1:18 P-38 "Pudgy" hangs in my office at work, along with an AH-64.
My upstairs office is only storage now for all these models and die cast
aircraft - waiting until I can build a custom den to hold it all. Five more
years maybe!!! You just can't have too many of these things.

I got my PPL by painting and selling portraits of airplanes at the airport
where I took lessons (1971). It occurred to me that these large scale models
would be perfect for posing and sketching to get realistic aspects. Another
retirement activity, some day...Might help buy avgas.
I have a few dyna-flites airplanes.

me 109
ju87 stuka-green
p40 flying tiger
ju87 stuka-black
p51-b mustang

I wish I had all of them. I found these in a dollar store. They made other planes I like as well.

ju87 :lol: :crazy: :scrambleup: :withstupid:
sorry for the double post. was corgi mentioned? I'm not sure if it was or not.

ju87 :arrow:

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