Modern ships....

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Impressive. Strange looking, but impressive. I guess we will have stealth tanks next.

Which leads me to this question. Since it seems the worlds navy's have declared the Battleships as an outdated weapon, do you think tanks would be next? It seems to me tanks are highly vulnerable to TOW missiles, laser guided missiles/bombs, etc. Am I wrong? Do tanks have decent/good defenses against such an attack?
the Visby Class was the world's First true all stealth ship it entered in 96-97 and then all this talk stealth hit the water and now all the Ships have stealth charater
Impressive. Strange looking, but impressive. I guess we will have stealth tanks next.
I think we already have those...

Despite the existance of arms that can defeat them, tanks still offer the best mobile crew protection available and probably will for a very long time to come.

It's kinda like the B-52.
On the surface, it seems outdated and vulnerable, but its still the best suited plane for some jobs.


No the M-1 is not stealth at all. The largest threat to the detection of a tank is its heat signature and the M-1 actually gives off a very large one when compared to other newer modern tanks that do not run off of Turbines.

I was thinking about the radar signature, i.e., low profile and angled sides.
Probably smaller than what a Sherman would give off, but you are correct about the heat signature.


I was thinking about the radar signature, i.e., low profile and angled sides.
Probably smaller than what a Sherman would give off, but you are correct about the heat signature.


I dont know, there are plenty of tanks just like that. Tanks that are searching for tanks are looking for its heat signature and so are the helicopters that are searching for it, so it would not help anyhow.
According to Popular Mechanics the Royal Navy and the U S Navy are looking at this exact type of ship to replace Destroyers,Frigates and Cruisers. The shape reflects radar up and away from the ship. Also supposed to have a low heat signature.

As for tanks,look for same type of technology. Low profile,low heat.
But, big gun(155MM) plus missiles(Hell-Fire type)
According to Army we still need fast big gun on battlefield to protect troops and other armored vehicles.
I think this is a case of money doing the talking.
It must still be cheaper to fire a shell with gunpowder out of a barrel, than to launch a rocket or small missle out of a tube, not that that hasn't been implemented successfully before.

Actually I am sorry but it was the Romulans in the Original Series of Star Trek that had the cloaking device not the Vulcans. The Federation steals a cloaking device from the Romulans and used it to develop their own. Also I know what you mean about stealth, but there will still be large heavily armoured and armed tanks probably that will be used where stealth is probably less wanted and the enemy already knows about it, like a peacetime base. Healz.
Sorry guys, but actually armoured vehicles have that "slanted look" but not for stealth: although they want to deflect something, in this case it is not radar - not practical to something on the ground -, but projectiles thrown against them.

As far as ships and airplanes are concerned, it really is to enhance passive stealth capabilities, deflecting returning radar waves away from the tracking device. Now they are also trying to conceal their heat emissions, as it was being used to pinpoint them.


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