Mosquito Comes To Va. Beach

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.
A WW-II Mosquito, recently restored in New Zealand, will call The Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Va. it's new home. Jerry Yagen, owner of the museum acquired the "mossie" from a farmer in Western Canada who had been using it for storage, for over 40 years. It was shipped to New Zealand for restoration, which took over eight years. It's now in Va. Beach, and is the only flying Mosquito in the world.

This from the Norfolk Virginia Pilot.

Enjoy the shows it appears at, guys. Take it from me; it was real exciting stuff seeing KA114 flying, mind you, we have a terrific pilot in Keith Skilling; his displays are jaw dropping.

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I really miss the sight and sound of the BAe 'Mossie' in British skies, especially when George Aird used to fly her on a really low pass of the field, then do a climbing turn to miss the single-storey club house building!
Enjoy the shows it appears at, guys. Take it from me; it was real exciting stuff seeing KA114 flying, mind you, we have a terrific pilot in Keith Skilling; his displays are jaw dropping.
Dave Phillips (The pilot on the far left of the photo, and one of the mosquito test pilots) doesn't do too bad a display either!

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