Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

  • Nose

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  • Cockpit

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  • Top Turret Gunner

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  • Radio Operator

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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  • Ball Turret Gunner

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  • Tail Gunner

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Thanks. So the nose art and mission marks are just for represntation of the lancaster or is is painted to represnet an aircraft that did see combat? I know you said the mose is biger then would have been used? ;)

AS for the turrets can the be replicated?
the turrets are originals, as is most of the equiptment (the only items that aren't original are those that have to be modern for safety reasons, there's also a second set of controlls, it's to precious not to), which explains why they were so hard to find, the paint scemes are changed every couple of display seasons, they represent many different squadrans, it always keeps the registration PA474, the canadian lancaster Mk.X C-GVRA (the only other flying exapmle) is civilain owned and is not as well preserved (or shiney *druel*) as the BBMF's example.........................
I was just askig. Because it sounded like there was a list. Maybe you should ask. I would love to have a ride even though the Lancaster is not my lost loved bomber. ;)
There were a few P-38s modified as a two seater but the ride was extremely cramped. There is one heavily modified P-38 still flying. It has the nose of a BTO radar equipped P-38 except the nose is clear plexiglass and then a space behind the pilot that looks a lot like the R/O station on the P-38M. I believe it should be able to carry a couple of passengers. That would be some ride.
i recon a ride in a lancaster would be just as fun as in a P-38, and i'm not saying the lancaster was more manouverable than the P-38, but the lancaster was one of the most manouverable bombers.................
Well you Ride Happy people. The Collins Foundation in the states has rdes on the B-24 :) and B-17 for $400 or you can tour it on the ground and talk with the crew. EAA is about the same for there B-17.

Yes the Bf-109G-12 was a two seat trainer and I love it. Back seat was cramped, but it is the only two seat trainning model they made. 8)
but by then the war was as good as lost for the germans, so it was useless training new pilots...................
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