Were the Germans aware that the US used a master bomber and if so was that plane identifiable and targeted by either flak or fighters?
Master bomber was a Bomber Command position, an experienced officer who would orbit the target adjusting the marking by the various 'backers up' and in some cases (as at Dresden) ordering the marking of positions outside the original sector to be bombed for second or subsequent Main Force waves, if he considered that the first waves had already achieved the missions primary objective. There is no point in throwing more incendiaries into an inferno, nor blowing up rubble.
A good master bomber could turn a potential disaster into a successful raid (as at Peenemunde).
The Americans employed lead ships, on whose cue all the others in their formation bombed. The Germans were aware of this and flak definitely targeted the leading aircraft in the US formations. I said above, it was point number 3 in a 1943 flak manual.
I doubt the fighters had such a luxury, generally attacking whichever aircraft they could get a good firing position on.
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