Just a small, tiny, correction about the Battlecruiser. It was always intended to go against any kind of ship, what it was never intended to do was to get into a slugging match with a Battleship.
The Battlecruiser should have been used as a powerful hit and run vessel. It's quite remarkable that the British invented the Battlecruiser and they also developed perfect tactics for them but time and again they forgot to read the manual! The Battle of Jutland and the sinking of H.M.S Hood are both times when the Royal Navy forgot that a Battlecruisers main defence is it's speed!
The Battlecruiser should have been used as a powerful hit and run vessel. It's quite remarkable that the British invented the Battlecruiser and they also developed perfect tactics for them but time and again they forgot to read the manual! The Battle of Jutland and the sinking of H.M.S Hood are both times when the Royal Navy forgot that a Battlecruisers main defence is it's speed!