My New Ride

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Filled my scooter up with gas, tonight. Shell High Test @ $3.76 point 9
per gallon. She took 1.108 gals [cost $4.18 for 2 1/2 weeks driving]. I put
101 miles on it and it works out to 91.155 MPG with the new carburetor.

Sure beats $25.00 per week in my truck....

Nice Charles - be careful. People tool around Jacksonville all the time in those things. It is dangerous when you're going 20mph below the speed limit.
Nice Charles - be careful. People tool around Jacksonville all the time in those things. It is dangerous when you're going 20mph below the speed limit.


Actually I am not 20 MPH below the speed limit. My scooter will do 40,
with ease. Most of the roads I drive have 25 to 45 MPH speed limits. I
am going to have the carb re-jetted from a 54 to a 62 jet. That should
give me 10 MPH more. It's not legal to ride them on "limited access high-
ways" (Most interstates), so I stay on the streets.

I'm lovein' the fuel savings......

Bought a new helmet today (Matt308 take notice). This one is white,
for better to be seen visibility, and has a full face shield. Was tired of
picking bugs out of my teeth with the other one !

In pic # 2, yes that is my front yard.



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Very nice, Mr. C. Would have preferred to see you in a full face helmet, but nice looking nonetheless.

Oh. And your neighborhood looks beautiful.
Very nice, Mr. C. Would have preferred to see you in a full face helmet, but nice looking nonetheless.

Oh. And your neighborhood looks beautiful.

Matt: What do you consider a full face helmet ? This one has a full
face clear plastic shield.

Thanks for the kind words. Re the neighborhood.

Mr. C, what you have is a half face helmet without chin protection.

Check these out.


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"The Virginia Beach Scooter Devils" ? :)

The Virginia Beach over 50 Scooter Terrors:D :D

And yes i agree with Matt a full face is alot better protection, if the strap slips it still wont allow your face to make contact, you dont want to end up like Lucky do you?:shock: :D
Matt: Can't go to YouTube while at work, we're lock out. I'll check it out
tonight. Thanks. Hmmmmm ... a 170 db fart ? Interesting...

Very nice, Mr. C. Would have preferred to see you in a full face helmet, but nice looking nonetheless.

Oh. And your neighborhood looks beautiful.

I agree with Matt, Charles.Nice helmet and neighbourhood.You have to take some pics and send me to see your house around.:D
Haven't noticed this thread for some reason, anywho.

Nice scooter Charles looks great! :)
Full face helmets are better but I guess it comes to what you are comfortable with.

I bought a new bike this year, pedal variety. Already paid for itself by now for fuel savings or even bus fares. I ride about 18kms a day to TAFE(college.)

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