My Regrets

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 17, 2006
Brisbane Queensland
I wish to Apologise for losing my Temper in another post. With Yak. I put something on the page i regretted typing and posting immediately. I tried to erase it but unfortunately some saw it. Yak I to have lost members of my family in 2 World Wars and my own Father served during WW2. It shortened his life span by 20 years after he came home from the War. But i still extend my regrets for the things i said at first about the US Flag it wa said in anger and i regret saying it
It was a two way street there. It takes a big man to admit he was wrong. Comments from you both I am sure erked a few people here about countries contributions to the war, who lost more men, etc etc. (I had to stop myself couple times from posting b/c I was ticked off over those comments).

If you both just drop it then I am sure everything will be fine.
Its dropped but I to am proud of my Nations Flag and my Country and the effort that Australia has contributed not only in Iraq and Afghanistan but in WW1 WW2 Korea Malaya Vietnam and elsewhere. But its over and i shouldn't have allowed myself to get pissed of but i did
I will say that sometimes people say what they really feel inside when angry.
Then sometimes not.

I am going to stick with my thoughts about the French and no one will change my mind.

We (US) could have stayed out of the war all together. I have to wonder what the outcome would have been in that case.

My statements were directed at the French most of the way through. Until pushed.. I have no real issue with anyone else.

Personally I find the swastika very offensive but it is part of history and, I don't whine about it. I see it on some of the plane pics here on the board.

Der I meant AH 64…I have been working on a C47 here lately in it's stuck in my head.
My Bad.

And last……. I don't have a sister……

Emac no hard feelings. I don't take things personal.

You should be proud. Nothing wrong with that.
We (US) could have stayed out of the war all together. I have to wonder what the outcome would have been in that case.

I would of wondered what the outcome of the war would of been as well as the future of the USA "if" it had stayed out of it.

But equally what would of happened to the USA and the rest of the Allies if Russia would of stayed out of it.

Both are good questions and both have very bloody answers.
Emac, it's very cool of you to step up and apologise.
On a different note, I wish America would adopt Australia's method of dealing with "immigrants" and "illegal aliens".

Yes you have to wonder…

But also the Russian did not have much choice since the Germans kinda invaded them.
We (us) would have ended up on the hit list some time soon any way. The Germans built and tested a diesel powered bomber that could make it from Berlin to NY without a fuel stop.

Also there was an idea of towing a barge (u boat) with Nuclear headed V2 rockets to lob at NY.

You are correct….. always a bloody answer.

Agreed it would of been ugly no matter how you figure it. Lets just thank God it never happened.
No worries I did not doubt your military service, just what aircraft you were talking about.

Der…. Here are some pics of the Me109 that was at our fly in. I was told it is the 1 and only real and flying example in the States. The pilot (that is his hand on the front canopy) told me the there is no insurance on it because they were unable to put a price on it. Priceless! I told him that my underwear would be sucked up into my arse the whole time I was flying it.

That cockpit is sure pretty! Sorry about all the people in the pic it was a major attraction here.
Marseilles rig actually when a short stint of service on the Ost front before Afrika. have seen the bird first hand as well as a fly over my head at Chino some years back ........
No worries Yak. its forgotten. how ever I did notice you referring to your GrandFather and my condolances about your Grand Dad being killed in action.

But don't judge all Frenchmen and women based on the stupid action of a few near Normandy the day you went to pay homage to your Grand father. If you go about 150 miles inland to the old Somme Battlefields from WW1 you will begin to come across the Commonwealth War Grave Commission Cemteries from WW1. 40,000 Plus Aussies are buried around the Old Mien Gate Road and Ameins Albert and Villa Britenau and the Somme Cemetries and battle fields from WW1.

On the 25th April since 1919 to the present date except for 4 years during the Occupation The French Citizens come out and pay homage to my Country Men killed around those old Battle Sites and Cemetries. April 25th is ANZAC DAY for Australian and New Zealand Army Corp from WW1. Mostly the main French population with the French Military and Government join with the Australians and New Zealanders in paying respect to the men from down under coming to help save France during WW1.

There are some real drop kicks as some Cemetries have been vandalised of late but this is only very rarely and the French Government attempts to investigate the crimes and pays for the Cemetries repair along with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Do I judge all French men and women on the actions of a few dead heads, No I don't. that would be unfair and illogical. By the way

Yak. I had 3 uncles serving on the Somme from 1916 to 1918 all came home. Also had another Uncle Killed in Action Gallipoli 1915 and is buried at Lone Pine Cemetry Gallipoli Turkey. 2nd World War Father served in 2nd AIF 6th Division Australian Army and later with 467 RAAF Squadron Bomber Command. Also 2 uncles one with 8th Division 2nd AIF Australian Army POW in Changi Singapore for 3 1/2yrs and another uncle killed in action of coast of Malta Serving with the Royal Navy in 1942. We bear no malice towards former enemies in my family Yak

. It was war and that is what occurs in war. But we also treasure Allies and friends as well. Maybe next time you go to France go and see the ceremonies conducted on 25th April every year and see the French People of the region whose families went through a Bloody costly war and the thanks they pay my Country men and women along to the New Zealanders as well.

As for my Uncle Killed in Action on between the 6th-8th August 1915 (that is the nearest dates they can determine at death due to a battle taking place) He was Killed attacking a Turkish Position at the Battle of The Nek Gallipoli. Its been nearly 92 years since his death and he is buried in Foriegn Soil though cared for by the Turkish People and still honoured. I am planning a trip to Gallipoli in 2015. The 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings on the 25th April 1915. ANZAC DAY to pay respect to my uncle and his mates who didn't come home. And I never met my uncles from WW1 especially my Uncle Killed in 1915 and My Uncle Killed in 1942 but I remember them all each and every day I draw Breathe to give thanks to them and men like them. Including my Dad and your Grand father Yak
Wow, Emac I salute those gallant men of your family, especially those who did not make it back
Gallipoli in 2015 would be an awesome experiance, I hope you get there. I personally am trying to convince the missus to go to New Guinea with me, as I want to walk the Kokoda track and visit other battle sites in the area, would especially love to fly over to Rabaul on New Britain. I might have to get some mates to come instead though as the wife is pretty adament that she wouldn't go there for all the money in the world. Women.. blah.

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