Nazi codebreaker

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Might've been two years. Nothing like reading another guys mail and not having him know. Definitely important and useful.

Always loved that stuff. Enigma is a very useful and effective coding device for it's time. It was pretty much unbeatable but for the mistakes the Germans made and various analysis methods the Brits cooked up.

The bombe is little more than a mechanical computer. But what a computer! Very impressive. When you look at how Alan Turing thought the thing up, it's really impressive.

Thanks for posting Comiso, good stuff to read.
Yep.. The ENIGMA was in fact a very usefull cipher equipment.. There are even today some messages that are "unbroken" ...
The most helpful circumstance for the allies was to catch a keyed ENIGMA and the whole "package" of their documents from captured U-Boats (i.e. U-110)
The movie "U-571" shows the capturing of a ENIGMA.. But it´s really a Action Movie.. far away from the facts...
I was myself a "Crypto-Guy" in the German Air Force and worked with the "grandchild" of the ENIGMA.. This equipment changed a long time ago so it is not top secret more.. The ground functions and the cipher system was nearly the same as in the ENIGMA.. And be sure.. it was a VERY strong crypto equipment
If you like to know more of this equipment have a look here:
Would've been it too much from an non-original speaker to ask a translation of a "nazi codebreaker" phrase?

(Yes, I've read the article)
Alan Turing's machine is a technical develoment of Polish codebeakers' idea and way for reading the Enigma messages only.But it is nice to see that Polish mathematicians and enginees' effort wasn't wasted.
Would've been it too much from an non-original speaker to ask a translation of a "nazi codebreaker" phrase?

(Yes, I've read the article)

deciphering the encrypted war correspondence of Nazi Germany
Thaks Comiso.

The point of my question is that "nazi codebreaker" term in the article's title soulds misleading; "british codebreaker" seems a more accurate term to my ear.
But again, english is not my 1st language.
No worries, Tomo....sounded kinda strange to me, too...."Nazi Codebreaker" implies its about Nazi codebreakers, not the breakers of Nazi codes. But, semantics aside, its a very interesting article! Thanks for the post, Comiso!
Alan Turing's machine is a technical develoment of Polish codebeakers' idea and way for reading the Enigma messages only.But it is nice to see that Polish mathematicians and enginees' effort wasn't wasted.

Yeah, what they did was absolutely brilliant. There are a few others that rarely get mentioned in the decoding of Enigma and the Poles were, far and away, the most advanced. It is my understanding that they figured out how the machine worked just by analysing the output. A little like figuring out how a car works by examining the exhaust.

With that information, they developed the first Bombe. Amazing. As crucial as Turing and Bletchley Park were to decoding Enigma, without the Poles, this thing would've taken several years longer to figure out.

Great work on their part.
One of the most valuable things you notice when you start reading the ULTRA decrypts is the special attention given to all blockade runners to Japan. The Allies knew from reading diplomatic signals from the Japanese embassy in Berlin (code named "PURPLE") that very valuable cargoes were traveling in both directions including from early 1944 Uranium oxide and mercury for detonators. Germany needed Tungsten, tin and rubber.

PURPLE alerted them to the trade, but the ENIGMA decrypts helped them to locate and hunt down U-boats.

If U-boats were Hitler's secret weapon for defeating England then the Bombe device was England's secret weapon against the U-boat

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