Need help with painting clear canopy braces on P51B, 1/72

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Could you be a little more specific? What sort of advice? If having a problem, what sort of problem, type of paint, brush size etc etc??
Use a good quality, low tack masking tape, such as Tamiya. Lay it in place, then run your finger nail along the edges to ensure it's sealed down properly. If worried about potential paint bleed, then give the edges of the tape a coat of clear varnish. When painting the frame, particularly with enamels, don't expect a good, even finish with one coat. the transparent plastic has slightly different properties compared to the 'solid'plastic in the remainder of the kit, and it's a good idea to wash the tranpsrent parts first, ensuring they are totally dry before proceeding. It's often a good idea to lay down a primer coat first, which can be the colour of the internal framework. You'll then find that the first coat of the external colour will go on easier, smoother and cover better. Probably two coats will be required, and, when masked, the smallest lining brush is not always the best choice. try a Number 3 brush, lightly loaded. remember, two or more thinner coats are always better than one, heavy, thick coat.
Hope this helps.
one thing that i have been trying and seems to work very well for very small details like the canopy is permanent markers. the ultra-fine come in a variety of colors and can be used like a paint stick. i put down several passes and the color builds up. it has been working very well on those fine canopy lines

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