Need some advice deciding between two kits

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Master Sergeant
Jul 16, 2009
South Plainfield New Jersey
I've decided on my next project and have it narrowed down to two different kits. I've found both online but can't decide which to buy.

The subject is a P-51A Mustang and I've found two manufactures that make the A model.


And Special Hobby

The question is which is the better kit? I've built Academy kits before and like them for their great detail. I've never built a Special Hobby kit and don't know how it compares to the Academy. Any help would be appreciated
I'm not familiar with either kit Dirk, but I have built plenty of Academy and Special Hobby kits in 1/72 and if these are similar, I think I'd go with the Academy. Special Hobby kits build up nice, but it's a lot more work and headache getting there being limited run kits. They might have somewhat more detail, but in 1/72nd scale I think the Academy kits have enough detail and are much easier to build. Save Special Hobby for those unusual subject that they cover that no one else does.
The Academy Fw 190 has some severe scale issues so not sure if the P-51A suffers from the same lack of attention. There are some nice 1/48 ones from Classic Airframes here in town for like 10 bucks.
I don't have the Special Hobby kit, so I can't comment on it, but have built the Academy. It fits very well, (no putty if you're careful) and the wing planform looks right, (no "D" wing), on the down side, the Academy kit comes with ........

Academy decals, YUK!
The Academy is the better of the 2. Special Hobby I believe is repackaged Eastern Front model makers (Russia, Yugo, etc.)
Interesting Chris - if I know right, atleast some of their stuff is reboxings of MPM kits too..(?)

(Btw, I have Special Hobby's General Aircraft Monospar and Buffalo in 1:72...both very nice)

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