New Army Special Force to Iraq

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I was taught ONCE.

If they pull a bottle, use a big stick.
If they have a big stick, use a pistol.
If they have a pistol, use a rifle.

Etc Etc.

The teacher was a mean racing snake teaching us unarmed combat.

Why setlle for .50 inch (12.7mm) when you can have 105mm.

If you are going to make their eyes water, do it right.


  • m15105.jpg
    127.7 KB · Views: 80
Never seen one with a 105mm recoiless turret on the back!! Our local library has a fairly comprehensive book on US military vehicles. It is about 700pages of literally 10s or thousands of different makes, models and variants. Quite amazing the vastly different types of vehicles that have been produced over the years for fleets or one-off missions.

I just love those old WWII half-tracks. Those dang things have been re-engined and overhauled and are still serving as frontline vehicles for some international armies to this day. What a tribute to a great design.
Never seen one with a 105mm recoiless turret on the back!! Our local library has a fairly comprehensive book on US military vehicles. It is about 700pages of literally 10s or thousands of different makes, models and variants. Quite amazing the vastly different types of vehicles that have been produced over the years for fleets or one-off missions.

I just love those old WWII half-tracks. Those dang things have been re-engined and overhauled and are still serving as frontline vehicles for some international armies to this day. What a tribute to a great design.

The half-track is a very interesting vehicle. Definitely increased cross country mobility and ability to keep up w/ armored regiments as compared to motorized infantry. Also, they were adaptable, and a wide assortment of armaments found their way onto the half-tracks, as indicated above. I myself like the SdKfz 251...
Recoil on that gun is not a problem due to the redneck beer belly recoil preventor.

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