I don't think you scare anybody, but you do take yourselves way too seriously, and there is a definite flavor of a bunch of little boys running a treehouse club. The recent brouhaha over the F-117 manual that mikec1 posted is an excellent case in point. I'm not going to defend mike's reply to the moderator, it was a bit too raw for my taste as well, but the moderator was wrong, all the same. That manual has been all over the Internet, including Avialogs and Scribd, that's where mike got it. It is not regarded by HQ USAF as classified or sensitive in any way, if it were they would have taken action to see that it was removed from the sites I mentioned. As to it being restricted to internal government use, just about all of the NATOPS manuals on this site say the same thing on their first page. Shouldn't those be erased, too? I also note that while mike got banned, the site kept all of his other contributions, which struck me as a bit specious at best. But then, it's your clubhouse, folks, and I leave you to it for greener and more productive pastures.
Except the modeling section isn't affiliated with the manuals and political ranting section of the forum