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Sep 25, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Hello everybody. This is just a few words to introduce myself to you. I cchose the name "Turnhouse" because during WW2 I lived close to Turnhouse Air Station which was the home of City Of Edinburgh 603 fighter squadron. I will never forget the sound of the Merlin engines of the Spitfires taking off to intercept enemy aircraft. My interest in all things pertaining to aircraft has been maintained since these dramatic war years. In 1956 I emigrated to Australian and lived in Sydney. I joined Qantas Airways in 1959 and until retirement in 1983 I worked in several areas within the company ranging from aircrew to customer services in places as varied as Fijii and Hong Kong.
My other interest is music. Mainly in the styles of Jazz and Big Bands and I have a very extensive collection of tapes, records, CDs and video tapes that cover recordings from the 1920s to the 1960s.
I'm glad to be aboard this site that I only came across by accident when looking for some information in another area.

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