New US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy arrives at Japan!

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I don't know why, sys, but Caroline visited a local IT company with Vice President yesterday.
Its female CEO seems liking to make friends with the celebs but I know this company was almost bankrupting a decade ago.
She asked help to her boy friends with tears for free!

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Caroline visited Rakuten, a net shopping company, today.
She congratulated Rakuten's baseball championship telling Mikitani, the company President, she bought a cap to celebrate in Sendai, Rakuten's home, a few weeks ago. She visited because Rakuten is famous for hiring a lot of female and foreign workers.

She also visited the Liberal Democratic Party head office to tell she will visit a US Navy base in Sasebo and Nagasaki in early next week.
She will be busy again.


Video file:
View attachment 25_Rakuten_20131206.mp4
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Caroline visited Banri Kaieda, leader of Democratic Party, at the head office in Tokyo for greeting yesterday.
This party was the government party till last December for 3 years.

Link to the article
Caroline met students from Tohoku at the Embassy in today's afternoon.
They were exchange students studied in the US through the Tomodachi Initiative program.
Reception party was also held in the evening.

A girl says "Caroline is cool with her large and powerful eyes."

Another news tells Governor of Yamagata Prefecture, one of the 6 prefectures in Tohoku region, wishes Caroline to visit Yamagata as it is famous for Load Yozan Uesugi whom the late US President John F Kennedy respected.


Video file:
View attachment 29_(13_12_13).mp4
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A volunteer group in Obama City of Fukui Prefecture namely "Group of Supporting Mr Obama without His Asking" has produced T-shirts and can-badges in commemoration of new US Ambassador. No one pays attention to them except the residents of the city, though.

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In relation to the helicopter accident, Caroline also visited US Navy 7th Fleet Commander Robert L Thomas and Mayor of Yokosuka City Yuto Yoshida on the day.

Link to the article
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